Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Advertising to Children - 1013 Words
They see it; they want it. Advertising to children is turning a want into a responsive nag to a parent, like a reflex. Every media outlet advertises, and companies like popular fast food restaurants target children. In the process of fattening the children, will their reflexes get slower? At some point in every kid’s life, they see an advertisement for a food or toy they want. This want leads to nagging of the parent until they give in. Although it is highly effective and profitable, fast food companies should not be able to have aggressive advertisement campaigns targeting children because it corruptly brainwashes them and promotes unhealthy life choices. Companies, like Disney, have been developing their advertisement strategies†¦show more content†¦The fact that the company would want a slender mascot as opposed to an overweight one is ironic. This shows that even before the fast food industry was put on blast like it is in today’s culture, they alrea dy were aware of the correlation between unhealthy weight and fast food. The success of the McDonald’s Corporation that is still held today reflects on the early marketing works of Kroc. Marketing styles is not the only element Ray Kroc and Walt Disney can be linked through. Both of these entrepreneurs changed American culture through their businesses and set building blocks for the industry. Although they were influential, marketing to kids can be turned into a form of brainwashing. Thousands of children get hooked on fast food and other products that are unhealthy. Once hooked at a young age, these children grow up never changing their habits. This leads to dangerous lifestyles and the amount of obesity that is in our society. But is taste and familiarity the only factors kids are hooked on fast food? Have you ever noticed that McDonald’s is the only carrier of Disney products as toys in the Happy Meal? Kroc and Disney grew up together and had similar ambitions, which led to their empires helping one another out. (Schlosser 184). Staying friendly withShow MoreRelatedAdvertising Targeted to Children Essay1039 Words  | 5 Pagesdecisions on our o wn to not be manipulated by advertisement we encounter today but what is the there to regulate advertisement aimed to children in today’s society? In order to control advertisement targeted to children the government must set up laws to regulate what is shown because if advertisement goes unregulated the hidden effects and causes will lead our children to a variable amount of things such as health, poor future decisions and even a child’s behavior. According to CBS News In 1983,Read MoreAdvertising and Children. ORAL PRESENTATION1850 Words  | 8 PagesHOW ADVERTISERS ARE TARGETTING KIDS ( techniques) -psychology and kidsmarketing To effectively market to children, advertisers need to know what makes kids tick. With the help of well-paid researchers and psychologists, advertisers now have access to in-depth knowledge about children s developmental, emotional and social needs at different ages. Using research that analyzes children s behaviour, fantasy lives, art work, even their dreams, companies are able to craft sophisticated marketingRead MoreThe Frightening Effects of Aggressive Advertising Targeting Children1386 Words  | 5 PagesFrightening Effects of Aggressive Advertising Targeting Children Modern society in the United States is driven by consumerism, advertising is key. For this reason companies have been increasingly targeting children in an effort to increase sales and loyalty to their brands. Brand loyalty is key to their future sales and greatly increases future revenues. For this reason large corporations have been studying and working with large advertising firms in an effort to capture children attention and curiosityRead MoreThe Government Should Limit Advertising Aimed At Children876 Words  | 4 PagesThe Government Should Limit Advertising Aimed at Children The government should exercise more control and limits on advertising that is aimed at children. Children are the leaders of the future and the children watch on average two or more hours of television a day. These are children’s most formative years. When children form ideas that prove to be substance of how they will think as adults. There are several reasons why advertising aimed at young children should be banned. Advertisers andRead MoreAdvertising Of Advertising On Children1304 Words  | 6 PagesAdvertisements surround the daily lives of all people: children, adults, males, females, everyone is in some way affected by advertisements. Advertising is defined as a call to the public’s attention to a business, usually for the purpose of selling products and services, through the use of various forms of media, such as print or broadcast notices by Entrepreneur. Advertising is also a â€Å"line of communication†with customers to a company’s product. When advertising a new product, companies need to think carefullyRead MoreAdvertising to Children1963 Words  | 8 PagesAdvertising to children has existed for a long time; however what has changed is the amount of advertising and the media through which it comes. Today’s commercials are more sophisticated and pervasive, it is not that the products are good or bad, it is the notion of manipulating children to buy the product. Children are not little adults and their minds are not fully developed, still marketers are playing to their developmental vulnerability. The advertising that children are exposed to today isRead MoreHow does advertisement influence peoples behaviour?1319 Words  | 6 Pagesis everywhere. In every abundance walk of life, there are huge competitions. As a result, advertisement has become more important. If you can be more noticeable, it means yo u would have chances to market. Therefore, advertising has great impact on different people. Advertising, is mainly used in market, refer to marketing message, which is presented by an identified sponsor in extinctive media such as the television, newspapers, radio, magazines and Internet. The term may be used to refer toRead MoreMarketing And Children Essay1620 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican children are consumers of media and are exposed to a plethora of messages on a daily basis, most targeted directly at them (Neeley 2004). And there are not just one, but at least three groups who are out to take advertising to children out back for a spanking! One example of marketing towards the youth market is the Kelloggs website Fun-K-Town. The site is devoted solely to kids and their favorite breakfast brands through the use of games. The site is looked at in depth below. Read MoreThe Government Should Exercise More Control And Limits On Advertising868 Words  | 4 Pagesshould exercise more control and limits on advertising that is aimed at children. Children are the leaders of the future and the children watch on average two or more hours of television a day. These are children’s most formative years. When children form ideas that prove to be substance of how they will think as adults. There are several reasons why advertising aimed at young children should be banned. Advertisers and marketers influence young children. Children are the future leaders of our world.Read MoreEvaluating Attainment by Children: Bridging Conspicuous Consumption with Fundamental Elements of Obtaining Commodities 1747 Words  | 7 Pagescommunity acknowledgment and action to respond to issues at hand. (Tepperman Curtis, 2011, p. 3). This paper will discuss the growing concern of materialistic children as a global crisis and recognizing catalysts that fuel the adolescent addiction to consumption. The current capitalist system that looms over society relies on the principle that children from an early age must become consumers to ensure global economies prosper through mass individual spending on goods and services (Preston, 2005; OBarr
Monday, May 18, 2020
Dress Codes and School Uniforms Essay - 1709 Words
Dress Codes and School Uniforms The ringing of the alarm clock that is placed conveniently beside your bed wakes you. The sound startles your brain into getting out of your warm, cozy bed. It is time to go to school. You must wake up now in order to make it on time. If you are late again, your teacher will probably give you that nasty look of dismissal. What are you going to wear? Is this a dilemma you face each morning? Do you have trouble wanting to get out of your bed, and then you are faced with the troubling question of what cool, clean, unwrinkled outfit you should wear that day? Do you think your life would be easier if you could just throw on a uniform? This way you might not have to think so hard in the morning, right†¦show more content†¦In Long Beach, there has been a major decrease of violence and discipline since 1994 (Fact Sheet On School Uniforms, 2001). Proponents believe that school uniforms have been a major contribution to this decrease. What is the purpose of a school uniform? Where did this idea come from? Whether to wear a uniform or not has been a major debate for decades. The idea has been debated since the 1980s and was an issue when candidates ran for president in the 1990s. Parochial and private schools have a long history of using school uniforms to project an atmosphere of uniformity, pride, loyalty, and equality among the student population (Educational Schools Uniforms, 1997). There are some purposes suggested by proponents of school uniforms. Since the Columbine High School tragedy, school leaders have been grasping at any policy that could contribute to a more civil, safe and tolerant school environment (Marchant, 1999). If every student in a school wore the same type of clothing, it would be easy for school officials to detect an intruder. This could possibly decrease violence and theft from outside the student body. Gangs have become a large problem in areas of the United States. Teenagers are initiated into these groups when they are younger than ever before. Parents and teachers want to stop the gang activity, starting with cutting down on gang colors and insignia onShow MoreRelatedDress Codes And School Uniforms1248 Words  | 5 Pagesembarrassing than being dress coded at school? Enforcing a dress code among children is unfair because it not only discriminates against people but it destroys someone’s whole day. Dress codes and school uniforms are meant to increase student achievement and make everyone equal but instead it only hurts people. Most school dress codes are unnecessary and are sexist. Enforcing dress codes is suppose to boost student achievement but instead is racist, sexist and unnecessary. Schools should take into considerationRead MoreSchool Dress Code And Uniforms1286 Words  | 6 PagesSchool Dress Code The topic about school dress codes and uniforms has become widespread throughout the United States. Located on the Idaho-Oregon border, this area of focus has become propionate in the small town of Payette, Idaho. There is currently a dress code in place, however, there are some outspoken people stating their concerns regarding the schools success based on what the students are wearing. The concerned community members want to give Payette school district a new appearance andRead MoreUniform Dress Code For School1110 Words  | 5 PagesWe have all gone to a school where we were required to follow a certain dress code. The reason behind a uniform dress code may not be hard to understand but it is for the best. Some schools had a uniform that all their students were required to use on a daily basis. The dress code all depended on the school that the student attended and the grade level that they were in too. Enforcing a school dress code for all those students who are in grade leve ls Pre-K through 12th grade is extremely necessaryRead MoreEssay on School Dress Codes and Uniforms Are Beneficial695 Words  | 3 PagesSchool Dress Codes and Uniforms Are Beneficial Do schools really need a dress code? Just ask parents of kids who have to wear them and they will probably say yes. With the dress code policy parents would be able o save money on clothes for their children(Dress 1). This would be a big help for children with poor families who cant afford the proper clothes for them to wear. In addition, with uniforms these kids wont are looked at any different than everyone else because they will have the sameRead More Against School Dress Codes and Uniforms Essay2272 Words  | 10 PagesThe Debate Between School Dress Codes and Uniforms The debate over school uniforms and dress codes has been going on for years and is still widely debated and talked about in the education system. Each side of the argument has many supporters. There are many pros and cons to each side so it is hard to really know what the right choice is. In Three Cups of Tea written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin education is the main focus of the book. Although most of the book takes place halfRead MoreDefinition Of Ethical Leadership : School Uniform Code And Should All Schools Implement Students Dress Code990 Words  | 4 Pagestopics in schools. This paper will touch on dress code and should all schools implement students wearing school uniform. A dress code reduces stress, forms unification, and boost morale. Wearing a uniform creates unity. According to an article in the DailyMail, students â€Å"Having a uniform helps to reduce bullying in school, makes children better behaved outside the school gates and even aids conce ntration in class, researchers said.†(1) MoreSchool Uniform Policies Around The World905 Words  | 4 Pages High school students are seen walking down their school’s hallways wearing baggy sweat pants, tight revealing clothing, or outrageous piercings and hair colors. Would you feel confident in your student’s principle wore fitted tank tops and joggers whenever he or she pleased? Approximately one in five schools enforce a dress code, becoming common in America in the mid-1990s (â€Å"School Uniforms.†). Regulating what is acceptable for students to wear is a growing issue, because of the new society basedRead MoreArgument Against School Uniforms Should Not Be Banned1556 Words  | 7 PagesArgument Against School Uniforms My disagreement against school dress code is that public schools should not make the student go to school uniforms. Students should be able to wear any appropriate clothing they want to wear. School uniforms are not the way to be unsuccessful in education. School uniforms are a waste of time to have in a public school system. Teachers should make the students go home and change into school appropriate clothes. Public schools should give students a chance on what theyRead MoreWhy we need dress codes, argumentative essay MLA.1452 Words  | 6 PagesSchools Need Dress Codes Dress codes in public schooling have recently been a controversial issue nation-wide. Mandatory uniform policys measures and emphasize the benefits of students on specific behavioral and academic outcomes. The arguments for the issue are just as strong as those against the issue. There are two main points surrounding school uniforms: performance and school and reduction of violence due to uniformity. Uniforms are argued to positively affect student safety by: loweringRead MorePersuasive Essay On School Uniforms979 Words  | 4 PagesThe age old argument of whether or not uniforms and dress codes should be enforced in schools seems to never conclude. The issue of appropriate clothing in schools is controversial and provoking. Many argue that abolishing a student’s choice in their attire violates their freedom of expression. Students use what they wear to express themselves; their clothing gives them a sense of a unique style and identity. Others argue that permitting students to wear whatever clothing they like can create unnecessary
Monday, May 11, 2020
Margaret Sanger Essay - 1428 Words
Margaret Sanger The early twentieth century was a turning point in American history-especially in regards to the acquisition of womens rights. While the era was considered to be prosperous and later thought to be a happy-go-lucky time, in actuality, it was a time of grave social conflict and human suffering (Parish, 110). Among those who endured much suffering were women. As Margaret Sanger found out, women, especially those who were poor, had no choice regarding pregnancy. The only way not to get pregnant was by not having sex- a choice that was almost always the husbands. This was even more true in the case of lower-class men for whom, sex was the poor mans only luxury (Douglas, 31). As a nurse who assisted in delivering†¦show more content†¦While her book was considered obscene, lewd and lascivious material (Gray, 43), Sanger was convinced that education about these topics were necessary. Through the publishing of What Every girl Should Know, Margaret Sanger demons trated to common women, to her adversaries, and to the government that women deserve the right to learn about and understand their bodies. In addition to What Every Girl Should Know, Sanger created other propaganda, which informed women that they deserved the right to prevent births. The purpose of her first publication of this type, a magazine called The Woman Rebel, was to inspire women to demand rights. She wanted to stimulate working women to think for themselves and to build up a conscience, fighting character (Douglas, 50). In each issue of the Rebel, she discussed topics such as child labor, women and children in industry, health and cultural opportunities. She believed that women must determine her own maternity-This was the most precious freedom (Douglas, 50). Following The Woman Rebel, Sanger wrote a pamphlet called Family Limitations. In this pamphlet, Sanger discussed such topics as the use of condoms, the importance of douches, and the practice of coitus interrup ts or withdrawal (Whitelaw-Every, 50). For this informational writing, Sanger called a heinous criminal who sought to turn every home into a brothel andShow MoreRelatedMargaret Sanger s Margaret Louise Sanger1131 Words  | 5 Pagesthe biography, â€Å"Margaret Louise Sanger†(2007), Margaret was born on September 14, 1879 in Corning, New York. She was born to her parents, Anne Purcell and Michael Hennessey Higgins, who were Irish Catholic Immigrants. Shortly after the birth of her eleventh child, Anne Purcell died from tuberculosis; Margaret was nineteen (â€Å"The Pill†n.d.). While Margaret was the sixth of eleven children, she and her first husband, William Sanger, had three children together (â€Å"Margaret Louise Sanger†2007). AfterRead MoreMargaret Sanger : Margaret Sanger And Womens Rights Movement1370 Words  | 6 Pagesbattle between modernism and traditionalism(Zeitz). Margaret Sanger was born on September 14, 1879, in Corning New York. She was the sixth child out of 11. As she grew up, she witnessed the death of her mother from giving birth and she saw so many children living in poverty. To escape the torture she moved out with her older sister at a very young age and started helping to educate the immigrants children.While living with her sister Margaret became a part-time nurse at the womens ward. She wasRead More margaret sanger Essay752 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"one girl revolution†. Though Margaret Sangers revolution may be even more controversial now than during her 50-year career of national and international battles, her opinions can teach us many lessons. Due to her strong influence in history, our society has increased health awareness for women, made sexual protection a choice for all people, and also introduced family modification as a choice for mankind. Having gone through the hardships that she did, Margaret Sanger developed her own theories andRead MoreThe Fight For Contraceptives By Margaret Sanger1201 Words  | 5 PagesMargaret Sanger, a New York and an active feminist, led the fight for contraceptives, which are methods or devices to prevent pregnancy. Sanger, whose mother at a young age because she had birthed eleven children, helped shape her into a very individualistic and assertive woman. She was a part of the Socialist party, while studying to be a nurse, and starting a family of her own. In 1912, she began to work in the slums with the poor immigrant women who lived there. Her experience in the slums withRead MoreMaking A Change : Margaret Sanger1713 Words  | 7 PagesMaking a Change: Margaret Sanger’s 1925 Speech Margaret Sanger’s, The Children’s Era, exudes knowledge on how contraceptives and birth-control will create a better world for the children. This paper conducts a Neo-Aristotelian analysis of Margaret Sanger’s 1925 speech. It contributes to rhetorical theory by advancing knowledge of how rhetors create a consensus on the use of birth-control and contraceptives. The paper proceeds first by establishing the context of the speech, which will include theRead MoreInformative Speech : Margaret Sanger1091 Words  | 5 PagesInformative Speech Topic: Margaret Sanger General Purpose: To inform of one of Times 100 people who changed the world Specific Purpose: To inform of the impact of Margaret Sanger Thesis: Margaret Sanger changed the world by rallying for the availability and use of contraceptives for all women. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not beRead MoreThe Birth Control Of Margaret Sanger Essay951 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1917, Margaret Sanger was arrested for distributing contraception pessirie to a immigrant women. Margaret Sanger, was a nurse, mother, sex educator, writer and most importantly an activist. Sanger, fought for women’s rights which one of the main one was to legalize birth control in America. During the process of fighting Sanger establish the American Birth Control League, now called Planned Parenthood. Sanger fund money to Grisworld the created of the hormonal birth control pill the dream of SangerRead MoreThe Birth Control Of Margaret Sanger2106 Words  | 9 Pageschildren would be lucky to be fed yet alone college educated. This is all because one woman, Margaret Sanger, devoted her life to this cause. This research paper will address who Margaret Sanger was, why birth control meant so much to her and how she devoted her life to its cause and creation. According to Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America, by Ellen Chesler, Margaret Sanger was born in Corning, New York as a middle child with eleven other siblings in a poor VictorianRead MoreMargaret Sanger s Life And Life1272 Words  | 6 Pages Margaret Sanger was born in Corning, New York on September 14, 1879 [3] as Margaret Louise Higgins. [1] Her father, Michael Higgins, originally studied phrenology and other medical practices, but eventually moved to being a stone cutter. Her mother, Anne Higgins, was born in Ireland, and her family moved to Canada during the Potato Famine. In 1869 Michael married Anne and she went through 18 pregnancies, only 11 of which lived. [3] Margaret was the sixth child in this long line and spent herRead More Biography of Margaret Sanger Essay5092 Words  | 21 PagesBiography of Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger founded a movement in this country that would institute such a change in the course of our biological history that it is still debated today. Described by some as a radiant rebel, Sanger pioneered the birth control movement in the United States at a time when Victorian hypocrisy and oppression through moral standards were at their highest. Working her way up from a nurse in New Yorks poor Lower East Side to the head of the Planned Parenthood Federation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Existentialist Theory Its Features, Advantages and...
Existentialist Theory, Its Features, Advantages and Disadvantages For introduction purposes, Existentialism is the philosophical theory that holds that in order to grasp human existence, then further set of categories governed by the norm of authenticity are necessary (Steven Crowell, 2010). Existentialism is a philosophy which stresses on human existence as opposed to the movements that submerge mans existence. Normally, if emphasis of distinction is placed upon mans existence then the question will be to show how it is different from humanism. Therefore, many features emerge to support the view of existentialism. The first feature is that existence precedes essence. This means that there is no human nature and or human prototype to which all men/human could ultimately conform to. Additionally, man remains the sole creator of his destiny (Dallas M, 1982). This is in line with the idea that there is no general, non-formal account of what it means to be human can be given, since that meaning is decided in and through existing itself. Therefore, the most important aspect/ consideration for individuals is the fact that they are an individual in themselvesâ€â€they are an independently acting and responsible, conscious being (existence)â€â€and not just what labels, roles, stereotypes, definitions, or other preconceived categories the individual fits (essence). The other feature of existentialism is that of absurdity/nothingness/anxiety. This implies that we do not have meaningShow MoreRelatedAndrocentrism: Feminists for Equality2854 Words  | 12 Pagesandrocentrism), and it seems that Schopenhauer would certainly agree with this notion. He openly regards compassion, beauty, sympathy and gentleness (all characteristics he deems feminine) as being part of a defective personality. These features very closely reflect features described by Aristotle in his composition. Besides the obvious damaging effects that the idea as femininity as bad has on women, the idea that certain things such as gentleness and compassion are feminine also leads to oppression forRead Moresecond sex Essay13771 Words  | 56 PagesIt is still talked about, however, for the voluminous nonsense uttered during the last century seems to have done little to illuminate the problem. After all, is there a problem? And if so, what is it? Are there women, really? Most assuredly the theory of the eternal feminine still has its adherents who will whisper in your ear: Even in Russia women still are women; and other erudite persons sometimes the very same ? say with a sigh: Woman is los ing her way, woman is lost. One wonders if
Basic Principles of Supervision Free Essays
Supervision in terms of reflective practice can be defined as a steady cooperative reflection among a facility benefactor (either clinical or other) and supervisor that is being built upon the supervisee’s usage of his opinions, spirits, and beliefs in a facility happenstance. Reflective supervision accompaniments the aims and performance of an organization. It can be helpful to think about supervision both in terms of development (which is related to ongoing professional learning) and performance (which is related to clinical governance and standard setting). We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Principles of Supervision or any similar topic only for you Order Now Principles of Supervision Be clear about why there is a need for supervision and who has asked for it. Set a time frame for the supervision session; even a few minutes of focused time can be worthwhile. Protect the time and space where possible and appropriate; try to ensure there will be no interruptions and that there is privacy. Ensure that there is confidentiality Be transparent about the extent to which the supervision is about development or performance; this may need to be renegotiated or stated during the session. Supervision is for: Students Contexts (professional networks in schools, department issues etc.) Career development A Question-Based Approach to Supervision: The 7 C?s The 7 C’s Conversations It indicates that discussion is a working tool on its own. Effective conversations not only define the real views of people but these have the ability to generate its new accepting by providing opportunities to people of rethinking and reconstructing their levels. Curiosity This is being used to encourage the story of pupils, coworkers and oneself. It includes giving careful devotion to both languages verbal and non-verbal. It also contains inquisitiveness of supervisor on his own responses; criticism sensation , dullness, nervousness, etc. Contexts This develops an understanding of the RP’s networks, their sense of culture, faith, beliefs, community, values, history and geography, and how these affect teaching. An important framework is that of how authority is being understood (see below). Who is holding power and how this can be seen by others? The understanding of different contexts of people or administrations included is important in developing effective supervision dialogues and making them effective. Complexity It includes understanding of belongings in multi directions. Becoming more interested in interactions/patterns between people and events producing a richer story. Creativity It involves in searching means to generate a real version which creates wisdom. It suggests imaginative procedure of mutually building new variety of the story by supervision process. Caution It includes the looking for clues by teaching. It involves working with a level of challenge. It is suitable to provide a direct advice. Care It incorporates being humble, thoughtful and focused. It means that it ensures that reflective practice in educational environment is approved in a moral context. Q2: What is a theory? Explain the aims of theory building. As a reflective practitioner, what could be the issues you have to face in developing your own personal theory? Marks (2 + 4 + 4=10) What is Theory? An articulate standard of common proposals used as values of clarification of ostensible relations of definite perceived occurrences. The aims of theory building The aims of theory building are: Explanation: Theory is to explain the concept about what we observe and relationships among concepts. It is to explain what we have seen and how to figure out the problem and to make plan a resource to bring about change. E.g., what produces bad behaviors? Prediction: Theory is to make prediction related to teaching i.e. if the action A then what will be the reaction B or if A happens B will follow. Issues in developing your personal theory There is a lot of stuff that can be incorrect in a theory, and we have to keep an eye on that stuff to minimize errors. Few things are mentioned below to be observed: Ethnocentrism: Everybody is being brought up in a culture which has been existing earlier than their birth. It effects our thinking very finely and meticulously that we create up discerning â€Å"this is the way things are,†rather than â€Å"this is the ways things are in this particular society†. As in our society, we have additional problems with sensitivity and dreading aged and loss. People are dubious to change their beliefs unless they have opportunities to critically reflect upon them. Egocentrism: Next issue can be probable hazard within speculating is particularities of theorist as a person. Everyone elsewhere our culture, has precise facts for one’s life i.e. Genetics, special experiences, education, and so on they disturb our way of thinking, feeling and finally, the way we interpret others. The intention is to learn mechanisms from hitches experts in practice or wish to sustain exchange in knowledge. Dogmatism: This is third hazard. As human beings, we have a natural conventional affinity: We always consider work done in the past and if we dedicate our subsists to develop a personal theory, pour our core to it, we can be very self-justifying about it. Misunderstandings: one of the issues can be unintentional inferences: It can be like that you want to say something but loose words that makes your intentions susceptible. That’s why, people will misunderstand you. There are several things that can cause misunderstandings i.e., Translation Neologisms Metaphors How to cite Basic Principles of Supervision, Papers
The Old Demon Essay Example For Students
The Old Demon Essay The Old Demon In the short story â€Å"The Old Demon†by Pearl S. Buck, Mrs. Wang is a practical person, who takes things at face value, does whatever she thinks must be done, and accepts her fate. Foremost, Mrs. Wang takes things at face value. Seeing things as they truly are, after rescuing a wounded soldier from a fallen plane, she learns from a crowd of Chinese soldiers that he is Japanese. Though fully acknowledging that he is the adversary, Mrs. Wang saves the young man from being stabbed. The Chinese soldiers’ query to her concern for the â€Å"Japanese monkey†results in Mrs. Wang’s compelling response: â€Å"If he is dead, then there is no use in sending him into purgatory all in pieces†(Buck 159). Unlike the others, Mrs. Wang clearly distinguishes him not as just one of the Japanese, but rather as an injured man who needs help. She perceives things as they are, rescuing the young soldier from a painful death. Although he is Japanese, she sees him as she does everyone else, a human being in a time of great need. Additionally, Mrs. Wang does whatever she thinks must be done. For instance, as the silver planes crash headlong into the vast field, the villagers flee, striving to escape the burning catastrophe. Though Little Pig’s wife pleads and implores her to run, Mrs. Wang seats herself against the bank of the dike and gazes at the extraordinary spectacle, replying â€Å"I haven’t run in seventy years, since before my feet were bound†(156). Stubborn, old Mrs. Wang refuses to leave and abandon her place, for she knows that she is slow and will only delay the others from escaping. Placing others before herself, she feels that â€Å"it is her duty†to stay behind (156). Acknowledging what is right, she puts others before herself, in spite of the fatal consequences that it holds. Lastly, Mrs. Wang accepts her fate. Exemplifying acquiescence of her destiny, in the arrival of an army of Japanese soldiers, she understands that if they are not stopped, then they will kill all the villagers. As they march across the plain, the circumstances pose a difficult choice: her death or the death of the villagers. Mrs. Wang soon realizes that there â€Å"is an end to what one could see,†and this is the end for her. Knowing what she must do, she opens the water sluice and unleashes the wicked river, drowning both herself and the Japanese. Mrs. Wang sacrifices her life for the villagers, prepared for life and where it shall take her.
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