Sunday, January 26, 2020
Obesity in Bahrain
Obesity in Bahrain The current situation Currently in Bahrain, the things that aid obesity are more than a few things. For example, there are more than ample amounts fast food and cafeterias that are open throughout the day, most of which are open until the early hours of the mornings. Staying up to the early hours of the morning is a past time for teenagers and university students, mainly those who don’t have jobs; this also stimulates the fast food markets since people tend to get hungry around the clock. These people will then tend to eat this kind of fast food very late, and sometimes, directly before going to sleep. Another huge problem is the consumption of soft drinks such as Coca-cola or Pepsi. The younger generation often drinks soft drinks as often the Japanese drink tea. This is a major problem as the soft drinks contain a massive amount of sugar. Now this wouldn’t be as huge of a problem if these weren’t so refreshing, especially in our region where the heat is incredible. The heat itself pushes people to dehydration more than other parts of the world, and many people tend to drink soft drinks to hydrate. One more problem that we face in Bahrain is that we have many hereditary diseases. Most common are diabetes, high-blood pressure, and heart disease. What further increases the problem in the country is the fact that people are only active if they do a sport, as traversing is a huge problem without a car. So unlikely many other countries, you would usually do some walking at a given part of the day, but in Bahrain, or the gulf region for that matter, people tend to use their cars even for short trips due to the heat. What enforces each and every problem at the end of the day, is the lack of awareness on what obesity really is, even though it is known that there comes diseases with obesity, there no true highlights of what is the true nature of obesity. Population As per the data provided by the â€Å"Central Informatics Organization†(CIO) of Bahrain, The population stands at 1,195,020 people, of which 62% are male, and the remaining 38% are female. The amount of expatriates in Bahrain is massive; the Non-Bahraini’s currently residing in Bahrain stand at 610,332 people, accounting for approximately 51% of the total population. The Bahraini’s residing in the country account for approximately 49%, and the male to female ratio is approximately on equal footing (Male: 295,878. Female: 288,810). Education Education in Bahrain at pre university level is available for free. As of 2010, the literacy rate in Bahrain exceeded 94%. In 2012, Bahrain was recorded to have spent 2.6% equivalent of its GDP on education alone, this equated to approximately 9% of total government expenditure. As of 2013, Bahrain has a total of 206 government schools of levels ranging from the primary level to the high school level, as well as, religious institutions. This data of course doesn’t take into consideration the number of private schools available in the country. Employment Currently in Bahrain the number of people employed starting from the age of 15 onwards is 716,473, Of which 527,749 are Non-Bahraini making up over 73% of the working population, and 188,724 Bahraini’s who make up the rest of the approximately 26% of the working population. The total male working population is 566,350 of which only 128,625 are Bahraini, which is approximately 22.7% of the male working population. Whereas the other 77.3% are Non-Bahraini standing at 437,725 men. As for the female working population, they make up a total of 150,123 women in the population’s workforce, the Bahraini females stand at 60,099 making up approximately 40% of the female working population in the country. And the Non-Bahraini female working population stands at 90,024, approximately 60% of the female working population. Healthcare Healthcare in Bahrain, like education, is free to the public; there is medical complex that is run by the Ministry of Health, as well as, health clinics in every municipality within the country that operate as free of charge for the general public, this of course excludes the private clinics and hospitals spread across the country. For the sake of this paper, I’ll be looking at the number of people who visited diabetic clinics run by the Ministry of Health. In the year 2008, the amount of people that visited the diabetic clinics were a total of 25,118 people. Of which, first time visitors accounted for 3,132 people, approximately 12.4% of the total visitors. The amount of revisits made up approximately 87.5%. The Bahraini nationals that revisited these clinics made up 72.5% of the total visits, and the number of female re-visitors overtook the males (Female revisits: 11,152. Male revisits: 7,069). In 2009, the total number of visits to diabetic clinics increased slightly from 25,118 visits in the previous year, to 26,065 visits. The number of first time visits slightly increased from the last year. The increase can be witnessed mainly for the Bahraini Females. The number of revisits also increased for both genders of Bahrainis. In 2010 there was an increase of total visits of approximately 27%. The number of visits was at 33,076. The trend of first time visits kept increasing in a steady pace. There was a spike witnessed in the number of visits. The number of male Bahraini’s increased by approximately 31% from the previous year, female Bahraini’s revisits increased by approximately 24%, Non-Bahraini males increased by approximately 1%, and female non-Bahraini revisits shot up by approximately 39%. In 2011, the increase witnessed a similar jump in visits to diabetic clinics, though, the number of first time visits had increased more than the other years. Male Bahraini’s increased in visits from 1,386 in 2010 to 1,834 in 2011. Female Bahraini first visits retained their upward trend from the previous year, the increase was from 2,113 to 2,430 visitors. Revisits kept following its continuous growth especially for male non-Bahraini revisit patients. Bahraini revisits saw a jump from 9,870 in 2010 to 11,028 in 2011. Female Bahraini visits increased from 14,242 in the previous year to 15,903 revisit patients in 2011. A huge jump was witnessed in male non-Bahraini revisit patients, where as the number of revisits in 2010 was 2,699 it soared up to 4,310 revisits in 2011. The number of female non-Bahraini revisits increased from 1,445 in 2010 to 1,654 revisit patients in the year 2011. In the year 2012, the number of people visiting the diabetic clinics further increased. Male Bahraini first time visits increased from 1,834 in 2011 to 2,898 in 2012. Female Bahraini first time visits witnessed a leap from 2,430 in 2011 to 3,699. Non-Bahraini males first time visits decreased from 1,207 in 2011 to 1,010 in 2012. Female non-Bahraini first time visits increased from 448 in 2011 to 609 in 2012. Bahraini male revisit patients continued with their increasing trend which displayed a rise from 11,028 revisits in 2011 to 12,209. Female Bahraini revisits further increased from 15,903 revisits in 2011 to 17,045 in 2012. Revisits from non-Bahraini males decreased from its peak of 4,310 revisit patients in 2011 to 3,411 in 2012. Non-Bahraini female revisits on the other hand, had increased from 1,654 in 2011 to 2,021 revisits in 2012. So over the 5 year period, the amount of total visits to diabetic clinics increased by approximately 70.8%. Revisits accounted for approximately 80.9% of the visits in 2012. Overweight vs. Obesity Both overweight and obese are labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is considered healthy for a given height. The terms also identify ranges of weight that have been shown to increase the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems. So in order to find differentiate between being overweight and being obese, the use of body mass index (BMI) has been adopted. The dimensions followed are the following: Adults that have a BMI of between 25 to 29.9 are considered overweight Adults who have a BMI of 30 or anything that exceeds it are considered to be obese. Recommendations The workplace should take care of their employees, so in order to prevent obesity, employers can adopt these recommendations: Organizing conferences, and workshops on obesity and physical activity. Conducting educational programs through the workplace that emphasize the hazards of obesity and the advantages of living healthy. Providing healthy and low energy density foods in the workplace cafeteria Carrying out training courses in management of obesity. Establishing the Arab Taskforce for Obesity and Physical Activity The Arab world lacks a Taskforce that is dedicated to fend against obesity and the promotion of physical activity, although other regional taskforces for this very task already exist. The main activities this taskforce should execute are as follows: Increasing the awareness in Arab countries on the prevention, causes, and treatment of obesity. Encouraging physical activity in various age groups of the Arab population. Working as an official body to review and provide sound and reliable information on obesity and physical activity in Arab countries. Providing technical assistance related to the management of obesity for governmental and non-governmental institutions in the Arab region. Carrying out research and studies on obesity and physical activity, as well as training courses in the management of obesity. Recommendations for the Media There is an apparent lack in terms of health and nutrition awareness in regards to obesity and how to manage it in the region, and the media have participated in spreading inaccurate beliefs in regards to obesity. So it is recommended to do the following: First and foremost, the mass media should provide sound and reliable information on the treatment of obesity. Preparation of programs to educate the public on causes, prevention and management of obesity. Such programs should deliver the following material: a. Healthy diet for various age groups and sex. b. Physical activity according to age, sex and health status of the individuals. c. Advice for better selection of exercise equipment. d. Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of treating obesity. e. Correction of unsound beliefs and attitudes related to obesity and physical activity. Recommendations for People Engaged in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity This would include general practitioners, nutritionists, dietitians, exercise specialists, nurses, physical education teachers and other health care providers. These people need to prioritize doing the following: 1. It is necessary to at the very least note down the weight and height of patients or individuals who seek health treatment or who are involved in exercise, to assess their weight status. 2. It is important to provide the patients or obese subjects sound health and nutrition information on obesity. The information provided must be reliable. 3. To provide sufficient treatment of obesity, healthcare providers should have adequate understanding of the physiological, social and psychological bases of obesity. 4. Patients or obese subjects should be provided adequate information on physical activity or exercise, taking into consideration their health condition, traditions and culture. Recommendations for Governmental Institutes Governmental institutes hold a great amount of responsibility to alter the environmental factors that are associated with obesity. These changes can come to pass by introducing regulations, activities, and programs that can aid the reduction of obesity and the encouragement of physical activities in the community. In order for this to succeed, policy makers must be convinced of the importance of the issue as well as how dire it is. There is a need for regulations and legislation for the special institutes that work in the treatment of obesity, such as beauty centers, slimming clubs, hospitals, pharmacies, private clinics and shops provided slimming drugs, foods and exercise equipment. It was found that many of these institutes do not deal with treatment of obesity in a proper way. There should be health control on prescription drugs and equipment sold for overcoming obesity. The mass media needs to censor false advertising of drugs and equipment etc that claim to help with obesity reduction. But they should also strive to review the legitimacy of these companies claims as to not reach a level of media control. Governmental institutes should consider all possible endeavors to provide locations and facilities for practicing physical activity and exercise, considering and not neglecting the traditions and culture of the society in each country. Additional and up-to-date training courses for people engaged in the prevention and treatment of obesity should be provided. Introduction of reliable information on dietary management and physical activity to prevent and control obesity should be introduced in both the schools and universitys curriculum. It is preferable that a committee consists of specialized people from universities, the ministries of health and other related sectors to review and acknowledge the legitimacy of the information provided. Physical activity in schools should be encouraged through physical education classes and training of physical education teachers. Once the awareness of obesity increases, the results should follow soon after. A major issue is the lack of awareness, do to that fact, people continue destroying themselves, so unless something is done about the awareness of the community, not much can be accomplished. References Abstract/ABS2012/Ch7/6.pdf
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Culture Shock Among International Students Essay
There are certain individuals that cannot adopt the environment in an instant. One good example is when an individual entered a new environment, thinking that he can cope with someone’s culture immediately. Methods of handling Culture Shock vary cross-culturally, all people make up with the situation and build their identity differently. Factors such as general behaviour, motivation to acclimatize, skills in language, fellow and host nationals support, the distance in cultural facet of two cultures involved and mainly familiarity made during the encounter are factors of degree of this acculturation of Culture Shock. Various people, such as tourists, international students, businessmen who have partners abroad and so on, can suffer from Culture Shock. In spite of the fact that international students face Culture Shock and have to overcome it fast, they are ready for it because they go abroad deliberately and know what they want. Nowadays Culture Shock has been interpreted in many ways by the people who already experienced it and by anthropologists studying it. In general, â€Å"Culture Shock can be defined as the process of initial adjustment to an unfamiliar environment†(Pedersen 34). Mostly, people who travel a lot in other country experience Culture Shock, whether it’s a temporary vacation or become a new resident for a certain place. All of a sudden the person is on the state of shock. Life becomes impulsive for them and they have problems with coping even with the simplest aspects of living. Culture Shock was first introduced in Kalvero Oberg’s literature, 1960. Oberg defines Culture Shock as â€Å"precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. These signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situations of daily life†(176). Oberg talks about the visual aspects of culture such as customs, language and attitude as in contrast to beliefs and values they can be pragmatic. Individuals tend to judge visually and applying their beliefs is responsible for the anxiety. Many scientists establish their own meanings of Culture Shock but most of them are closely related to the definition of Oberg. For example, Hofstede defines Culture Shock as â€Å"a state of Makarova 2 distress following the transfer of a person to an unfamiliar cultural environment†, that can be accompanied by physical illness (97). Elisabeth Marx just simply calls it â€Å"the experience of foreignness†(71). Evidently, most of the definitions have in common, that Culture Shock is an unpleasant reaction encountered with an unfamiliar culture. According to Kalvero Oberg, Culture Shock has four stages. The Honeymoon Stage is where a person feels excited about the adventure. The Crisis or Cultural Shock Stage is when a person tries to look up for new things and becomes aware of the differences between his own culture and the other new culture. The Adjustment stage is the stage where the person starts to recover, accepts the new culture and sense of self comes back. And lastly the Adaptation Stage is when a person resumes his conversant pattern but now has a different contextual from the new culture (177). People who encounter this kind of situation behave in a very different way and have all sorts of feelings. In his original article, Oberg lists six main aspects of Culture Shock: 1) strain caused by the effort to adapt; 2) sense of loss and feelings of deprivation in relation to friends, status, profession and possessions; 3) feeling rejected by or rejecting members of the new culture; 4) confusion in role, values and self-identity; 5) anxiety and even disgust, anger about foreign practices; 6) feelings of helplessness, not being able to cope with the new environment (180). Bad temper, fears of being cheated, contaminated and injured or disregarded, the feeling of purposelessness are the signs of Culture Shock that Adler have observed (21). â€Å"The symptoms may range from mild irritation to surprise or disgust†(Scupin 124). It stands to reason, everybody reacts something new, unusual and strange differently. Almost everybody who spends some time abroad experiences the problem of Culture Shock due to cross-cultural differences. This hold true for international students as well who left their home countries to study overseas. Leaving home and travelling to study in a new country can be a stressful experience. Research provides substantial evidence that Culture Shock has negative effects on international students. But it should be mentioned that Culture Shock among them has some peculiarities. Firstly, students who goes abroad to study at universities leave their families and friends Makarova 3 at home, they have to live alone in another country where there are not acquaintances. They don’t have usual support close to them and first of all should meet new people and make friends with them. Secondly, the main task for students is to study, to concentrate on getting new knowledge, to learn a lot of information. But it is difficult enough because they find themselves in totally new surroundings. Thirdly, young people have to obey foreign teachers which have their special viewpoint and demands. They should forget about their habitual rules and adjust to new ones. Fourthly, it is necessary for them to count their money because prices can be higher or lower in comparison with their own country and at home it was their parents who paid for everything. That’s why, some students don’t just know how to spend money economically. So, keeping to a budget can help to survive. Fifthly, parents don’t always provide their children who study abroad with enough money. Moreover, students don’t always have a very large grant and sometimes they don’t have it at all. Therefore, young boys and girls have to find a job and earn money to help their parents and be able to buy what they want. Sixthly, unknown food, strange shops, new traffic code are everywhere and it isn’t easy to understand everything at once and get adjusted to it. Food should be tasted, shops – explored, rules – learnt and it can take much time. And seventhly, students don’t know anyone and every day they meet more and more people. Some of them are friendly and ready to help, some don’t pay attention to strangers, others can be hostile to foreigners. So, it is very important to start communicating with those who will help and support. These special feature can explain why international students should overcome Culture Shock fast. They just have no time to go through all stages, they have to study. It seems that Culture Shock affects the performance of international students either directly or indirectly, and most international students don’t know about this. For example, an international student can lock himself/herself in a his/her room the for whole day, not attending classes, doing nothing just looking out of the window or thinking about home. But finally they start using this time effectively and wisely, revising what they have studied, completing assignments and end up with better grades and results and meet deadlines. Other international students can even lock themselves in Makarova 4 a room for the whole week, do nothing just think about home, read news on the internet about home or chat with families and friends back home through Skype, social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Most of them don’t know to what extent Culture Shock has affected them. For example some students take medicine almost every day or visit hospitals regularly without knowing that Culture Shock is the cause and has highly affected them that’s why they are in a such condition. No doubt, international students prepare for studying abroad for a long time, they dream of foreign universities and ready for Culture Shock beforehand. They study foreign language and country thoroughly because they are interested in it. They take a liking to the country where they are going to study, want to live and work there. Their pen-friends tell everything about customs, traditions and way of life of their country. Certain purposes of studying abroad are very important for these young people and students do their best to achieve them. Besides, there are a lot of international students from other countries in universities who also go through Culture Shock and they constantly help each other. Students who live in this country and study at these universities are very tolerant and patient to foreign students because they need other experience and opinions. The same can be said about teachers, they are always ready to support foreign students. Universities themselves can provide accommodation and a place to work because they need bright students and are able to help them. And of course, young boys and girls who live and study in foreign countries have constant support from home, often calls and messages from parents and friends. According to these facts, it can be said that most of the international students aren’t afraid of Culture Shock and handle it very easily. To sum up, international students are the most prepared for Culture Shock group of people, because studying abroad is their dream and goal. They want to enter foreign universities, they are eager to live overseas and Culture Shock are not able to prevent them from doing it. But at the same time, they should remember that Culture Shock is entirely normal, usually unavoidable and not a sign that they have made a mistake or that they won’t manage. In fact there are very positive aspects of culture shock. The Makarova 5 experience can be a significant learning experience, making them more aware of aspects of their own culture as well as the new culture they have entered. It will give them valuable skills that will serve them in many ways now and in the future and which will be part of the benefit of an international education. Makarova 6 Works Cited Adler, P. â€Å"The Transitional Experience: An Alternative View of Culture Shock. †Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1975: 13-23. Hofstede, G. H. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York: N. P. , 1997. Marx, E. Breaking through Culture Shock: What You Need to Succeed in International Business. London: N. P. , 1999. Oberg, K. â€Å"Cultural Shock: Adjustment to New Cultural Environments. †Practical Anthropologist 1960, 175-182. Pedersen, P. The Five Stages of Culture Shock: Critical Incidents around the World. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. Scupin, R. Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective. New York: Pearson, 2011.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Secret Weapon for Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay
A Secret Weapon for Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay The Birth of Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. The list is really endless. With the assistance of our tips for writing and our interesting collection of topics, you're guaranteed to obtain a high grade! However soon you're expected to file your college argumentative essay for grading, we'll write the paper for you. The shortage of excellent support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. Our crew of professional writers with the essential experience and writing skills is always prepared to fulfill your demands and exceed your expectations. The role of assigning an essay to middle school stude nts is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. To come across argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's advisable to use a 5-paragraph structure. You don't wish to lose grades because of incorrect essay format. At length, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the value of appropriate essay structure. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what it is that you are likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. How to Choose Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay A great argumentative essay is going to be based on established or new research instead of only on your ideas and feelings. It is all about arguing and debating on a topic, which is debatable. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Argumentative research paper topics are a ton simpler to find than to produce. As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. A paper is always simpler to write if you're interested in this issue, and you're going to be more motivated to do in-depth research and compose a paper that truly covers the whole subject. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Having selected a great topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. The key to select a great topic for an argumentative essay is to select a subject where there's a lot of debates on topics or stances. In situations when you get to pick the topic for an argumentative essay, you need to be wise and locate a title that will intrigue a reader. It is advised to steer clear of argument essay topics on moral issues because they don't support logical discussion. Not all research paper topics are made equal, and you would like to ensure you select a wonderful topic before you commence writing. Review of credible sources on this issue. Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay - Dead or Alive? A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely. At exactly the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll discover evidence to support claims you make. It's essential not just to supply the evidence to back up your position but also to refute that of your opponents. You have to discover good evidence to back up your ideas in addition to examples to i llustrate the evidence. What to Expect From Good Topics for an Argumentative Research Essay? There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Remember you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you should clearly show your analytical skills. Each style differs in two ways.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare - 911 Words
After reading Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, it is evident that many types of love are incorporated throughout the play. Shakespeare makes it clear that the type of love for a friend is different from the type of love shown for a significant other or a relative. The actions and attitudes of a person towards another can be based on the type of relationship between the two. The author uses friendship, familial love, and romantic love to express the feelings of the characters, and provide an understanding of the true meaning of what love is. Friendship is one of the main types of love displayed in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and his friends have a specific type of love for each other, which is different from the types of love that Romeo shares with Juliet and his family. Mercutio shows his sense of humor by saying â€Å"Romeo! humors! madman! passion! lover!†(2.1.7) when he teases Romeo about his love for Rosaline. Friendly relationships between most people consists of joking around and having a good time. Romeo’s friends, specifically Mercutio, are characterized as jokesters and like to laugh and have fun. Although Romeo’s friends are jokesters, they’re also very caring. Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin, tries to cheer him up and tell him to forget about Rosaline, his love interest at the beginning of the play, when he tries to convince Romeo compare his â€Å"lady’s love against some other maid†(1.2.97). Romeo’s friends talk things through and help him with his personal pro blems as well as giveShow MoreRelatedRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare619 Words  | 3 PagesRomeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a play written in the 16th century that’s about a tragic love story between two teenagers who come from rival families, yet fate brings them together and despite the grudge that each family holds for the other; they fall in love. 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