Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Correlation between Government Corruption and Poverty in...
IIf a country has widespread government corruption, then poverty will increase. Country Chosen: India Introduction As India celebrated its 65th Republic Day in January 2014, President of India Pranab Mukherjee warned the country of corruption as a cancer...that weakens the foundations of our state (Mukherjee, 2014) and If Indians are enraged, it is because they are witnessing corruption and waste of national resources(Ibid.) Indeed, corruption is an endemic problem in India, with anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (2013) ranking the country 94th out of 177 countries in the Global Corruption Perception Index. Tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer revenue have been wasted as a result of such corruption, and many fear this is only the tip of the iceberg. Some reports suggest that as much as fifty percent of government money intended for welfare programs and subsidies ends up in the pockets of politicians, bureaucrats, and influential businessmen instead. Such corruption scandals have rocked the entire country, bringing the current coalition government led by Prime Minister Man mohan Singh under serious criticism. Despite the Indian economy set to becoming the 3rd largest in the world (Khanna ,2013), poverty in India is widespread, with the nation estimated to have a third of the worlds poor. and with growth being uneven across social and economic groups. In 2010, the World Bank reported that 32.7% of all people in India fall below the internationalShow MoreRelatedIndian Economy After Independence : India1310 Words  | 6 PagesIndia is rich in natural resources and labor which has helped India progress after attaining independence from British rule in 1947. The purpose of this research paper is to trace the Indian economy after independence. India is the largest democracy in the world with a stable democratic government. Recently, India has elected a new prime minister, Narendra Modi who took office in the year 2014. (India Today). The new government in India is credited with reviving the economy and strengthening India’sRead MoreIndia s Lack Of Poverty1634 Words  | 7 Pages According to the Human Index of Development, India is classified as a developing country. Unlike other less developed countries, India has a developed industrial sector that has boomed in the past 30 years. Yet India still remains a less developed nation and most Indians remain poor despite the country’s success in industry. Out of the 1.3 billion people in India, 29.8 percent of the population lives in poverty. Seventy-three percent of these individuals reside in rural areas. The livelihoodRead MorePolitical Instability : Indian National Congress And The Bhartiya Janata Party1925 Words  | 8 PagesPolitical Instability: India has an incredible amount of instability and corruption in politics. India has two main political parties- Indian National Congress and the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). These two are the major parts of the Parliament government. Currently, there is a vast amount of corruption involving major issues like elections, railways, customs, revenue collection, etc. An example of political instability relating to corruption is the Hawala Bribery Scandal in 1990. The Hawala ScandalRead MorePoverty in Poor Families1758 Words  | 7 PagesWhile poverty is inevitable, poverty drags down the development of the world. Living conditions, cause of poverty, barriers to ending poverty, and non-poor contribution can’t afford to be taken lightly. Poverty does not have one clear definition. It is a complex concept referring to multiple situations. By poverty we normally associate it to a situation in which a person fails to earn sufficient income to purchase necessities to life. The basic needs of life are, enough food, clothing, drinking waterRead MorePoverty And Poverty1487 Words  | 6 PagesGlobally, poverty is a prevailing social and economic concern. In pure economic terms, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO, 2017) defines income poverty as a failure of a family’s income to meet a federally established threshold. The World Bank’s definition of extreme poverty is living on less than US$1.90 per day (World Bank, 2017), which was decided on using the purchasing power parity exchange rates to convert the line into the US dollar, and into the currenciesRead MoreTwo possible solutions for low life expectancy in developing countries1453 Words  | 6 Pagesconsequences in third world Possible solutions: Educate people from developing countries, improve health services and provide nutritional food. Main body Factor 1= malnutrition Shortage of food as population is bigger and bigger these days which unbalance between the demand and supply of food Disaster such as drought, flood causes unable to grow crops and vegetables in certain area of the world. Aids go the wrong people. Even though those developing countries usually get aids from international countries,Read MoreIndian Economic History Essay2344 Words  | 10 PagesECON345 The Dragon and the Elephant: India and China in the Asian Century 1 Essay Topic No 1 â€Å"It is the context and circumstances prevalent in any nation that should determine its policies and strategies of growth†(Mahtaney, 2010, p. 159). Illustrate the truth or falsehood of this statement with reference to either India or China _____________________________________________________________________ â€Å"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching†(Mahatma Gandhi, 1946)Read MoreImpact Of Trade Liberalization On African Countries Essay1627 Words  | 7 Pagesliberalization (henceforth refers to as economic globalization) impacts poverty levels is limited. This essay examines the relationships between economic globalization and poverty levels in African countries. For instance, a 2006 UNDP report illustrates that just 7.2 percent of Bayelsa and Rivers State (Nigeria) residents were poor in 1980, but in 2004, the poverty index figures rose exponentially to 44.3 percent; Nigeria’s national rural poverty index jumped from 28.3 percent in 1980 to 48 percent in 2000Read MoreAid, Policy And Growth1601 Words  | 7 Pagestremendous amount of literature on the relationship between aid and growth (Hudson, 2004). McGilivray provides a recent comprehensive survey of the theoretical and empirical literature on foreign aid and growth. (McGillivray, 2006) A study conducted by McGillivray demonstrates how aid to African countries not only increases growth but also reduces poverty. Furthermore, the author points out the important fact that continuously growing poverty, mainly in sub-Saharan African countries, compromisesRead MoreThe Effect Of Fracking On The United States Economy And Leaving A Harmful Footprint Behind The Environment2007 Words  | 9 Pagessignificant groundwork is driving opportunities for innovators. The abundant supply of oil and the inexpensive cost leads to cheaper energy for consumers (Dews, 2015). Along with the low price for refineries, driving consumers will benefit because of the correlation of the gasoline price. Low price of gas means a greater available ability to travel or extra money added to the savings. As stated in the Wall Street Journal, companies such as gas stations, long distance trucking, and car dealerships are seeing
Monday, December 16, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 10 Free Essays
I awoke next as dusk was settling over the city. From my window, I could see the goldfish-orange sun sinking low behind a white steeple. The entire house was silent, and for a moment, I couldnt remember where I was. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then everything came back: the butcher shop, the vampires, me being flung against the wall. Lexi. As if on cue, she glided into the room, barely making a sound as she pushed open the door. Her blond hair was loose around her shoulders, and she was wearing a simple black dress. If looked at quickly, she could be mistaken for a child. But I could tell from the slight creases around her eyes and the fullness of her lips that shed been a full-grown woman, probably around nineteen or twenty. I had no idea how many years shed seen since then. She perched on the edge of my bed, smoothing back my hair. â€Å"Good evening, Stefan,†she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. She clutched a tumbler of dark liquid between her fingers. â€Å"You slept,†she noted. I nodded. Until Id sunk into the featherbed on the third floor of the house, I hadnt realized that Id barely slept in the past week. Even on the train, Id always been twitching, aware of the sighs and snores of my fellow passengers and always,alwaysthe steady thrum of blood coursing through their veins. But here no heartbeats had kept me from slumber. â€Å"I brought this for you,†she said, proffering the glass. I pushed it away. The blood in it smelled stale, sour. â€Å"You need to drink,†she said, sounding so much like me speaking to Damon that I couldnt help but feel a tiny pang of irritation–and sorrow. I brought the tumbler to my lips and took a tiny sip, fighting the urge to spit it out. As I expected, the drink tasted like dank water and the scent made me feel vaguely ill. Lexi smiled to herself, as if enjoying a private joke. â€Å"Its goats blood. Its good for you. Youll make yourself sick, the way you were feeding. A diet made exclusively of human blood isnt good for the digestion. Or the soul.†â€Å"We dont have souls,†I scoffed. But I brought the cup to my lips once more. Lexi sighed and took the tumbler, placing it on the nightstand next to me. â€Å"So much to learn,†she whispered, almost to herself. â€Å"Well, we have nothing but time, right?†I pointed out. I was rewarded with a rich laugh, which was surprisingly loud and throaty coming from her waif-like body. â€Å"You catch on quickly. Come. Get up. Its time to show you our city,†she said, handing me a plain white shirt and trousers. After changing, I followed her down the creaking wooden stairs to where the other vampires milled about in the ballroom. They were dressed up, but all looked faintly old-fashioned, as if theyd stepped out of one of the many portraits on the wall. Hugo sat at the piano, playing an out-of-tune rendition of Mozart while wearing a blue velvet cape. Buxton, the hulking, violent vampire, was wearing a loose, ruffled, white shirt. and Percy had on faded britches and suspenders that made him look as though he were running late to play a game of ball with his schoolmates. When they saw me, the vampires froze. Hugo managed a slight nod, but the rest merely stared in stony silence. â€Å"Lets go!†Lexi commanded, leading our group out the door, down the slate path, through zigzagging alleyways, and finally onto a street marked Bourbon. Each entryway led to a dimly lit bar, from which inebriated patrons stumbled out into the night air. Suggestively clad women gathered in clumps beneath awnings, and revelers acted punch-drunk, ready to laugh or fight at a moments notice. I instantly knew why Lexi took us here. Despite our odd attire, we attracted no more attention than any of the other lively revelers. As we walked, the others flanked me, keeping me in the center of their circle at all times. I knew I was being watched sharply, and I tried to remain unaffected by the scent of blood and the rhythm of beating hearts. â€Å"Here!†Lexi said, not bothering to consult the rest of the group as she pushed open a saloon door that read M ILADIESin curlicue script. I was impressed by her boldness–back in Mystic Falls, only women of ill repute would ever enter a barroom. But as I was fast realizing, New Orleans wasnt Mystic Falls. The floor of Miladies was caked with sawdust, and I winced at the overwhelmingly acrid smell of sweat, whiskey, and cologne. The tables were packed shoulder to shoulder with men playing cards, gambling, and gossiping. One entire side of the room was filled with Union soldiers, and in another corner, a motley band consisting of players with an accordion, two fiddles, and a flute was playing a jaunty rendition of â€Å"The Battle Hymn of the Republic.†â€Å"What do you think?†Lexi asked, leading me to the bar. â€Å"Is this a Union bar?†I asked. The Union army had captured the city some months back, and soldiers stood sentinel on nearly every corner, maintaining order and reminding Confederates that the war they were fighting looked to be a losing cause. â€Å"Yes. You know what that means, right?†I scanned the room. Aside from the soldiers, it was a solitary crowd. Single men drowned their loneliness at wooden tables, barely acknowledging their neighbors. The bartenders filled glasses with a mechanical air, never seeming to register the people for whom they poured their wares. I understood immediately. â€Å"Everyone here is a stranger passing through.†â€Å"Exactly.†Lexi smiled, clearly pleased that I was catching on. Buxton cleared his throat in disapproval. I could tell he didnt like me–that he was waiting for me to slip up so he could stake me without incurring Lexis wrath. â€Å"Hugo, find us a table!†Lexi commanded. Hugo walked his hulkish frame over to a rough-hewn table next to the band. Before he could even open his mouth, the blue-coated soldiers at the table glanced at each other and stood up, leaving half-filled mugs behind. Lexi pulled out two chairs. â€Å"Stefan, sit next to me.†I sat, vaguely embarrassed that I was so compliant, like a child. But I reminded myself that even Hugo followed her lead. Lexi had Power, and she knew how to use it. Percy, Hugo, and Buxton also settled around. â€Å"Now,†Lexi said, taking one of the abandoned beer mugs and waving it around in the air, just as the waitress approached us. â€Å"Lets teach you how to behave in public.†My cheeks flushed with anger. â€Å"I am behaving,†I said through clenched teeth. â€Å"Despite the fact that there are so many people that its nearly impossible to concentrate.†Percy and Hugo snickered. â€Å"Hes not ready †Buxton said in a surly tone. â€Å"Yes, he is.†Lexis words were low and slightly menacing. Buxton clenched his jaw, clearly trying to rein in his temper. I shifted in my chair. I suddenly felt like I was ten years old again, with Damon protecting me from the Giffin brothers. Only this time it was a girl standing up for me. I was about to point out that I didnt need Lexi to answer for me when she placed a hand on my knee. The touch was gentle and calmed me. â€Å"It gets easier,†she said, briefly catching my eyes. â€Å"So, lesson one,†she stated, addressing the entire group. A kindness on her part, I realized, since I was the only one who didnt know the finer points of being a vampire. â€Å"Lesson one is learning how to compel without drawing attention to yourself.†She leaned back and eyed the band. â€Å"I dont like this song. Stefan, what song would you like to hear?†â€Å"Uh .†I glanced around the table, confused. Percy snickered again, but stopped when Lexi glared at him. â€Å",,God Save the South?†I said hesitantly. The first thing that came to my head, it was a tune Damon used to whistle when he was on leave from the army. Lexi scooted her chair back, the legs kicking up a layer of sawdust. She sauntered over to the band and looked each of the members in the eye as she said something I couldnt hear. The band stopped mid-chord and immediately switched to â€Å"God Save the South.†â€Å"Hey!†one soldier shouted. His comrades glanced at one another, clearly wondering why a band in a Union bar had suddenly been inspired to play a pro-Southern song. Lexi grinned, as if delighted by her trick. â€Å"Are you impressed?†â€Å"Very,†I said, meaning it. Even Percy and Hugo nodded in agreement. Lexi took a sip of her beer. â€Å"Your turn. Pick someone,†she said. I glanced around the bar, my eye catching on a dark-haired barmaid. Her eyes were deep brown, and her hair was tied in a low knot at the nape of her neck. Her lips were parted, and she wore a cameo pendant that nestled in the notch of her neck. In the split second between seeing and knowing, I was reminded of Katherine. I thought of my first glimpse of Miss Molly, and how Id mistaken her for Katherine as well. It felt as though my maker were intent to haunt me in New Orleans. â€Å"Her,†I said, nodding toward the girl. Lexi looked at me sharply, as if she knew there was a story behind this decision. But she didnt pry. â€Å"Clear your mind,†she said instead, â€Å"and allow your energy to enter her.†I nodded, remembering the moment on the train when my thoughts had touched Lavinias. I fixed my gaze on the barmaid. She was laughing, her head tilted back toward the ceiling, but as soon as my focus locked on her, her eyes lowered to mine, almost as if Id bidden her to do so. â€Å"Good,†Lexi murmured. â€Å"Now, use your mind to tell her what you want from her.†That was the piece I had missed. When Id tried to compel the conductor, Id had thousands of thoughts about possible scenarios that could happen during our interaction, but I had not asked for any of them. Come here, I willed, staring into her liquid chocolate eyes.Come to me.For a moment she held her place behind the bar, but then she took a hesitant step forward.Yes, keep going.She stepped forward again, more confidently this time, making her way toward me. I had expected her to look dazed, almost as though she were sleepwalking. But she didnt appear to be in a trance. To any bystander, she could have simply been coming to our table to take our drink orders. â€Å"Hello,†I said when she reached us. â€Å"Dont break eye contact,†Lexi whispered. â€Å"Tell her what you want her to do now.†Sit down,I thought. And, almost instantly, the girl wedged herself between me and Buxton, her thigh warm against mine. â€Å"Hello,†she said unblinkingly. â€Å"Its the strangest thing, but suddenly I just knew that I needed to sit here with you.†â€Å"Im Stefan,†I said, shaking her hand. My fangs elongated, and the sides of my stomach knocked together. I wanted her. Badly. â€Å"Dont embarrass us,†came Lexis final words before she turned from me to face the band. It was clear that while she wasnt condoning any of my subsequent actions, she wasnt necessarily condemning them. Invite me outside, I thought, placing my hand on the barmaids thigh. But even as I thought the words, I glanced at Lexi, breaking my connection with the girl. The girl shifted, pulled her hair up, then dropped it down on her back. She glanced at the band, rubbing her forefinger on the rim of a glass. Invite me outside, I thought again, refocusing my attention fully on her. Sweat prickled my temple. Had I lost the connection for good? But then she gave a slight nod. â€Å"You know, its awfully loud in here, and I want to speak with you. Would you mind if we went outside?†she asked, staring at me. I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor. â€Å"Id like that very much,†I said, offering her my arm. â€Å"Bring her back alive, boy, or youll be answering to me,†said a voice so low that I wondered if Id imagined it. But when I turned back, Lexi merely smiled and waved. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 10, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Language Literacy for Young Children free essay sample
This paper will discuss developmentally appropriate methodologies in teaching language and literacy to young children across a developmental curriculum. Also to be discussed will be the aspects/knowledge’s of language, language diversity and Theoretical Perspectives. In the Beginning There is now evidence that it is never too early to teach a child. Through research it has been discovered that the infant even before he/she is born can hear sound and as we know that is how we acquire language, by hearing spoken words.According to Otto (2010), language development begins when language speakers assume that an infant is a participating partner in conversational settings, even though it is months before the child is able to begin using conventional words. In an article written by Dr. Carmelita Lomeo-Smrtic,Ph. D, she wrote that â€Å"Teaching children to become literate members of society is a daunting task, often relegated to the elementary teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Language Literacy for Young Children or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, research on teaching children to become literate suggests that this process must begin well before kindergarten.Research suggests that children are primed for learning language in utero. Also from the Otto text, â€Å"research on children’s perception of speech and the development of the auditory system in utero has determined that the fetus can perceive sounds beginning with the 25th week of gestation and at the 35th week a fetus’s hearing acuity is at a level similar to an adult’s(2010). Knowing all of this has prompted mother’s and some father’s to read to their unborn infant and even â€Å"talk†to him/her.Documented research suggests that infants can distinguish their mother’s voice from the voice of others-including other female voices a first few days after birth (Otto,2010). Aspects of Language It has been established that children begin learning at a very early age, even though they do not begin speaking words for many months. Now we will move on to speak about how they learn. There are five aspects or knowledge’s of language. -Phonetic, Semantic, Syntactic, Morphemic, and Pragmatic.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Identity Christian/White Supremacist Movement and the Domestic Radical Islamist Movement
The Christian Identity Movement is a movement that includes the Anglo-Israelism, British Israelism, white supremacists, anti-Semitic, as well as other groups. This movement consists of â€Å"many extremely conservative Churches in Christianity, religious organizations, survival groups and political groups†(Brayton, 2009, para.3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Identity Christian/White Supremacist Movement and the Domestic Radical Islamist Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The adherents of this religious movement are followers as well as churches, which are slackly associated with a racialized doctrine. They believe in Jesus Christ and that he died for the houses of Israel and Judah only. Therefore, people must receive salvation through both redemption and race for them to be accepted in the kingdom of Christ. The Islamist Movement on the other hand is a religious movement that also believes in Go d and do not believe in Christ. The Islamists hold that all political authority is God’s. Therefore, all their followers are obliged to create a political body that imitates their religious duty. All these movements hide behind religion and use violence to impose and achieve their goals, which they consider as being morally right (Juergensmeyer, 2000). This paper compares and contrasts the two religious movements. The Christian Identity movement believes that the world will someday end and that Christ will come the second time. In preparation for this, they believe in Armageddon, which is a war between God’s people, the white race and forces of evil. This, they consider, is part of the purification process required prior to Christ setting up his dominion on this world. The Christian Identity groups also believe in interpreting the bible in a conservative way. Through this, they have condemned some actions in the society. Some of these are the practice of homosexuality and disallowing other members of other beliefs. They see the white race as the superior race. In addition, they consider them as true Israelites since they believe that they are the real descendants of Adam and Abel. These people consider the other races to be satanic. These Christians believe that the original parents of this planet, Adam and Eve, were white. Therefore, these groups consider themselves the direct offspring of Adam and thus God’s chosen people. Many white supremacist groups adhere to these Christian Identity groups’ believes.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Christian Identity Movement has both political as well as social aims and goals they want to achieve. From the legal aspect, the groups want to bring the American laws and legal system into harmony with the legalisms of the Bible (Cline, n.d.). They also support political aspirants who ad vocate for their course for them to gain political power. The Identity followers look forward to the day when the human law will cease to exist. When the human law is in conflict with the divine law, these Christians disobey and resort to violence in order to avoid punishment. Further, the Christian Identity groups aim at forming religious groups that are insulated from the rest of the world. What is more, they intend to set up groups that express the view that only the local political organizations are lawful. The aim of this is to justify their resistance against governmental actions and even involvement in violent resistance (Ferber, 2004). Beyond the law, these Identity groups’ aims are to overthrow the current governments and to establish religious nations. Islamism is also a religion. Within Islamism, there are many movements, which take different forms and use different strategies and tactics to achieve their goals. With this, we understand that Islamism is not a unite d movement. The radical Islamic Movement is also a religious movement. It also assumes a political function and claims that political supremacy belongs to God. As a result, the movement believes that it has a religious obligation to lead the people in politics and even in their social and personal life. They believe that it is a religious duty of a Muslim to create a political body that shows people that Shari’ah is supreme to the state law. The movement is militant in nature, believes in, and wages war (Jihad) against anybody who disagrees with its principles. They do all this anticipating to one-day control the world (Emerson, 2002, p. 2). Like the Christian Identity Movement, the Islamic movement also has its own aims and goals to achieve. The Muslims believe on their law, Shar’iah as the supreme law of God and consider it superior to the state laws. They therefore struggle to replace state laws with their Shar’iah laws (Grant, n.d.). They also perform a poli tical function and aim to take control of the political arena.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Identity Christian/White Supremacist Movement and the Domestic Radical Islamist Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Islamic Movement group supports and campaigns for their political candidates to secure top seats in governments as a means of achieving their goal. This group also aims at controlling the world. Due to this desire, they engage in war with anybody or any nation, which is against them. This has made the Islamic Movement to be associated with many terrorism activities in many parts of the world. The common goal in the two movements is to have nations of the world governed by religious laws instead of state laws. They both want to do away with state laws. The groups are also not only religious but also political. They seek support from other people in order for them to succeed in their political lif e. They also struggle to form some states, which are religiously governed. These religious groups use violence to achieve their goals while using religion to give them a moral justification for their actions (Juergensmeyer, 2000). Both groups are likely to form alliances with the anti-U.S. transnational groups. This is because the groups need a lot of collaboration and support socially, politically and financially in order for them to succeed. The Islamist groups are most likely to form alliances with the anti U.S. transnational groups. This is because the Islamist movement is more aggressive and targeted most by the America’s anti terrorism operations. In order to achieve their goal, they also need the financial assistance, which will make them to seek for alliances. The Christian movements have been also observed to relax and not get too much involved in these terrorism activities as much as the Islamist Movements. There are also many Muslim groups targeted by the United St ates of America due to terrorism and would be willing to form alliances in order to weaken the efforts of the America’s anti terrorism. In conclusion, there are many religious groups, which get involved in terrorism activities while hiding behind religion to give them moral justification of their wrongdoing. These religious groups also resort to violence a means of avoiding punishment after going against the state laws.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most of these religious groups see their religious laws as superior to the state laws and therefore strive to impose the religious law in governing nations. Because some of these religious laws conflict with those of other religions, the religious groups are also prone to rise against each other violently in order for them to impose their own laws. The Muslims believe in holy fight called Jihad and commit to fight it at all costs to impose their faith on people and to eliminate their enemies. Reference List Brayton, E. (2009). Another UD Post Disappears. Science Blogs LLC. Web. Cline A. (n.d) Christian Identity: White supremacy, Christian Nationalism. About.com. Web. Emerson, S. (2002). American Jihad. New York: The Free Press. Ferber, I. A. (2004), Homegrown hate: Gender and Organised racism. New York: Routledge. Grant, G. (N.d). Al-Qaeda and radical Islam: Economic realities and soco-political solutions. Henry Jackson Society. Web. Juergensmeyer, M. (2000). Terror in the mind o f God: Global rise of the religious violence. Berkeley: University of California Press. This essay on Identity Christian/White Supremacist Movement and the Domestic Radical Islamist Movement was written and submitted by user Trey Love to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
6 polite and professional ways to call out a lazy coworker
6 polite and professional ways to call out a lazy coworker It’s not your job to motivate or police your coworkers. If it were, you would be their boss. But if you have a lazy coworker it can be a drag on your department or a team project- and in large and small ways, a coworker’s laziness can grate on you and affect your work life for the worse. Mix in a sense of unfairness about what some coworkers get away with, and you have a recipe for frustration and job dissatisfaction. But you don’t just have to throw up your hands and despair- there are a few ways to make sure someone else’s laziness doesn’t create a dysfunctional work day for you.1. Be directThe worst thing to do would be to engage in passive-aggressive behaviors- jokes, subtle hints, and sarcasm rarely land the way you want them to and your message may not be taken seriously or received at all. Make it easy on yourself: sum up the problem and how it affects you in one sentence and ask to have a short conversation with your coworker. You donâ€℠¢t need to agonize over a carefully worded email. Don’t be too confrontational or accusatory; just keep it simple, like: Could you pay more attention to this? When you don’t, I have more work to do. Sometimes laziness continues precisely because no one points it out. The simple antidote? Be direct.2. Be quickNever call out a coworker when you are truly annoyed, because that will surely lead to unprofessional behavior. On the other hand, it’s best to address an issue soon after it happens, so your coworker is clear on a specific time they were engaging in lazy behavior, and they don’t perceive you as nursing a weird grudge. Waiting too long after the fact can make it seem like you’ve been stewing for days- and rehashing the past can add another toxic element to the mix, causing your coworker to become defensive. Again, be direct, and point out something concrete that will make things better, and help your coworker snap out of their lazy habits.3. As k a favorIf either of the first two options seem too confrontational, you can directly ask your coworker for help on a project. It’s easy for some to ignore a task; it’s much harder to ignore a human being asking for help. This puts the lazy coworker in an awkward position: either they have to take the strong stance of saying â€Å"No,†or simply help. Just something to keep in mind- a lazy person is not necessarily a discourteous person, but the favor will pit their laziness against their sense of decency to their coworkers.4. Set up check-in meetingsA deadline can be a great taskmaster for the go-getter. Why not try this out for the lazy? A check-in meeting where each coworker sums up their progress on a project creates a certain level of accountability. The lazy coworker will be lagging behind, have nothing to report, and it will be obvious to everyone in the room. In essence, the lazy coworker will call themselves out, and the burden won’t be on you.5 . Suggest a better workflow to your supervisorThis doesn’t mean rat someone out or complain about their laziness to a supervisor, because that may not appear professional either. This option acknowledges that it’s not your job to pick up the slack for coworkers, nor is it your job to get them to do their work. If you see a better way to divide and conquer a task and you suggest it, this shows you are taking initiative and can help change the dynamic of how your team or department works together.6. Form a bondSometimes the only real thing you can change about your work situation is how you react and feel about it. If your frustration over your coworker’s laziness has reached the boiling point, take it down a notch. You don’t know what personal life issues your coworker may be facing. Be friendly. Bond with your coworker and try to reach a better understanding of them on a personal level. This can help reduce your frustration and make it easier if you ever do need to call them out on their behavior in the future.
Friday, November 22, 2019
An Introduction to Hellenistic Greece
An Introduction to Hellenistic Greece The era of Hellenistic Greece was the period when Greece language and culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world. The third era of ancient Greek history was the Hellenistic Age when the Greek language and culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world. Typically, historians start the Hellenistic Age with the death of Alexander, whose empire spread from India to Africa, in 323 B.C. It follows the Classical Age and precedes the incorporation of the Greek empire within the Roman empire in 146 B.C. (31 B.C. or the Battle of Actium for the Egyptian territory). The Hellenistic settlements may be divided into five regions, according to and quoted from The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India, by Getzel M. Cohen: Greece, Macedonia, the Islands, and Asia Minor;Asia Minor west of the Tauros Mountains;Cilicia beyond the Tauros Mountains, Syria, and Phoenicia;Egypt;the regions beyond the Euphrates, i.e., Mesopotamia, the Iranian plateau, and central Asia. Aftermath of the Death of Alexander the Great A series of wars marked the period immediately after Alexander’s death in 323 B.C., including the Lamian Wars and the first and second Diadochi Wars, wherein Alexander’s followers sued for his throne. Eventually, the empire was divided into three parts: Macedonia and Greece (ruled by Antigonus, founder of the Antigonid dynasty), the Near East (ruled by Seleucus, founder of the Seleucid dynasty), and Egypt, where the general Ptolemy started the Ptolemid dynasty. The early Hellenistic Age also saw enduring achievements in the arts and learning, however. The philosophers Xeno and Epicurus founded their philosophical schools, and stoicism and Epicureanism are still with us today. In Athens, the mathematician Euclid began his school and became the founder of modern geometry. Third Century B.C. The empire was wealthy thanks to the conquered Persians. With this wealth, building and other cultural programs were established in each region. The most famous of these was doubtless the Library of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I Soter in Egypt, charged with housing all of the world’s knowledge. The library flourished under the Ptolemaic dynasty and withstood several disasters until it was ultimately destroyed in the second century A.D. Another triumphalist building effort was the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The 98-foot tall statue commemorated the victory of the island of Rhodes against the predations of Antigonus I Monopthalmus. But internecine conflict continued, notably through the Pyrrhic War between Rome and Epirus, the invasion of Thrace by Celtic peoples, and the dawn of Roman prominence in the region. Second Century B.C. The end of the Hellenistic Age was marked by greater conflict, as battles raged among the Seleucids and among the Macedonians. The political weakness of the empire made it an easy target in the ascent of Rome as a regional power; by 149 B.C., Greece itself was a province of the Roman Empire. This was followed in short order by the absorption of Corinth and Macedonia by Rome. By 31 B.C., with the victory at Actium and the collapse of Egypt, all of Alexander’s empire lay in Roman hands. Cultural Achievements of the Hellenistic Age While the culture of ancient Greece was disseminated East and West, the Greeks adopted elements of eastern culture and religion, especially Zoroastrianism and Mithraism. Attic Greek became the lingua franca. Impressive scientific innovations were made in Alexandria where the Greek Eratosthenes computed the circumference of the earth, Archimedes calculated pi, and Euclid compiled his geometry text. In philosophy, Zeno and Epicurus founded the moral philosophies of Stoicism and Epicureanism. In literature, New Comedy evolved, as did the pastoral idyll form of poetry associated with Theocritus, and the personal biography, which accompanied a movement in sculpture to represent people as they were rather than as ideals, although there were exceptions in Greek sculpture most notably the hideous depictions of Socrates, although even they may have been idealized, if negatively. Both Michael Grant and Moses Hadas discuss these artistic/biographical changes. See From Alexander to Cleopatra, by Michael Grant, and Hellenistic Literature, by Moses Hadas. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 17, (1963), pp. 21-35. Source Cohen, Getzel M. The Hellenistic Settlements in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India. Hellenistic Culture and Society Book 54, 1 Edition, Kindle Edition, University of California Press, June 2, 2013.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The World Film Journal- the movie Rain by Maria Govan Essay
The World Film Journal- the movie Rain by Maria Govan - Essay Example To her dismay, Rain discovers that her mother stays in Graveyard, which is a neighborhood for desperately poor people living within HIV-AIDS. Glory’s life revolves around drugs despite the high level of poverty experienced at the island (Bahamasmovie.com). When Rain reaches the Graveyard which, as Magdaline explains, is a land that becomes difficult to leave when someone gets in it, she starts new harsh life. When Rain realizes that the life in Graveyard is too harsh, she sets to discover her strength. Amazingly, Rain discovers that she is good at running, and she joins the team that is to represent the Bahamas in track events. However, training and equipment become non-affordable for her until Mrs. Adams assists her. Mrs. Adams gives Rain a light but touching lecture on determination, zeal, and acceptance in a bid to make her (Rain) stronger and more focused onto attaining her goals and objectives through running (Bahamasmovie.com). Magdaline’s quest to run for Miss Ba hamas Contest gives Rain motivation and courage that there are people in her environment who can survive and stay away from drugs. It is amazing that when Rain requires fifty dollars to register in a school, Glory is unable to find the sum, yet she spends approximately fifty dollars or more a day on drugs. She is forced to save for at least three months to obtain the money. This film is all about a young girl who finds herself between dread environment and confrontation of the fact that she wants to live with someone she has never known before, thus, reaching out for her inner self to find the best out of her (Bahamasmovie.com). Narrative Structure Maria Govan reaches out to the audience through striking a visual sense aimed at providing a reflection of contrasts existing between idyllic setting and the harsh realities found within the Bahamas. Such visual sense enhances visualization of the actual picture by the viewers, thus, making it easier to follow the main idea of the film. R ain’s grandmother cautioned her against going to look for the mother. Nonetheless, after the grandmother’s demise, Rain visualizes sense that she can barely care for herself, hence, the search for her mother. In the foreign land, Rain also visualizes some sense from the behavior and lifestyle of the mother, hence, does not give up in her quest to finding the best out of her leading to discover her talent in running. In making all these decisions, Rain considers both sides of the coin, the ideals and realities in Bahamas. For instance, the ideal situation is that she can continue staying with her grandmother, but the reality is that she is too young and incapable of taking care of her needs (Bahamasmovie.com). For this reason, she decides to go out in search for her mother. In addition, Maria talks about the reality that however much the residents try, they can never attain a given lifestyle, especially that experienced by tourists. Maria also uses the idea of everyday beauty within communities and societies to develop the storyline. This proves to be very useful, especially in understanding how the various experiences of marginalized residents of the Bahamas undergo in their daily lives. Consequently, the film director is able to reach many viewers through her narrative structure and style. This makes The Rain one of the best movies watched by a huge magnitude of spectators. Surprisingly, the author does
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership and employee relations Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership and employee relations - Article Example The leaders and Mangers apply different conceptualizations and approaches to work and exercise different ways of problem solving; undertake different functions in the organizations. They are exhibit different behaviors owing to their different intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. (Ofori, Toor. 2008). In an organization there is no distinct leader there are only managers. The Manager will be acting in both the capacity of leader and manager. A successful manager has both the quality of manager and leader who make use of the qualities discretely. The manager ship and leadership are the tools, through which the manager can influence the behavior of the employees and attain the organizational goals. The Manager and employee relationship in an organization is a delicate one. A good leader and manager can be able to handle and maintain a good relationship with his employees. In the organizations the employees are working towards the attainment of goals where the leaders, who could be instrumental in guiding the efforts of group of employees. The successful performance of leadership role is essential for the survival of an organization.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
JPMorgan Chase Essay Example for Free
JPMorgan Chase Essay JPMorgan Chase is one of the oldest and most respected banks in the United States. However, during the summer of 2012 Chase announced trading losses and bad investment decisions that resulted in a loss of approximately $5.8 billion. Not only did they report this substantial loss they admitted to falsifying their first quarter reports, were they where attempting to conceal the massive loss. Three months prior to this event JPMorgan Chase was viewed as the top American bank. The first question to be discussed in this paper will be what actions can Administrative Agencies such the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and or the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take to prevent high risk gambles in securities/banking which are one of the main cornerstones of this country’s economy. According to the SEC, their â€Å"main mission is to protect investors, to maintain fair, orderly, efficient markets and facilitate capital formation†(www.sec.gov) One of the ways that SEC does this is by requiring public companies to disclose meaningful financial information to the public to help the public decide which companies will be the best to invest in. In response to the JPMorgan Chase revelation SEC Chairperson Mary Shapiro told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"her agency’s investigation is limited, because the trades happened in divisions of the banking giant that are not subject to SEC regulation†. She also stated that â€Å"we (the SEC) did not have any direct oversight or knowledge of the transactions†. In addition to the above statements Ms. Shapiro stated that â€Å"the SEC’s investigation would target the appropriateness and completeness of the entity’s (JPMorgan Chase) financial reporting and other public disclosure s†(Liberto, 2012). Next I will discuss the Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) main purpose as well as some of its other responsibilities. The Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) main purpose is to regulate commodity futures and options markets. Its goals include the promotion of competitive and efficient futures markets and the protection of investors against manipulation, abusive trade practices and fraud (www.sec.gov). Gary Gensler, chairman of the CFTC told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"he couldn’t provide specific information about the investigation, but he did say that he first learned about the questionable trades from press reports. He also stated that the CFTC does not have regulators on the ground to look at bank trades yet. Chairman Gensler also told the Banking Committee that currently, the American public is not protected in that way (e.g. having regulators looking at the trades as they happen) (Liberto, 2012). Regulators have been struggling for months trying to figure out who should be included in a new crackdown on swaps and derivatives. Swaps and derivatives are complex financial bets derived from other financial products. Gensler made it clear that once the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms are fully implemented it will be illegal for JPMorgan Chase to make the kinds of trades that resulted in the $5.8 billion loss. He also clarified that Dodd-Frank allows for trades made to hedge against â€Å"individual and aggregate positions†– not to guard against future economic losses, as the JPMorgan trades have been described (Liberto, 2012). Next I will cover the elements of a valid contract, as well as discuss how consumers and banks each have a duty of god faith and fair dealing in the banking relationship â€Å"A contract is a legally enforceable promise or set of promises. If the promise is broken, the person to whom the promise was mad – the promise – has certain legal rights against the person who made the promise – the promisor†(Bagley, 2012). There are 4 basic elements to a contract and they are: 1) offer and acceptance, 2) consideration, 3) both parties must have the capacity to enter into a contract, 4) the contract must have a legal purpose. â€Å"The offer is a manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain that justifies another person in understanding that his or her assent will conclude the bargain†(Bagley, 2012). Acceptance indicates the receiving person’s willingness to enter into the agreement proposed in the offer (Bagley, 2012). Consideration is something of value that is provided by both parties (Bagley, 2012). Lastly, a valid contract requires that both parties have the capacity to enter into the agreement (Bagley, 2012. Next I will discuss the duty of god faith and fair dealing in the consumer/banking relationship. Prior to 1929, Massachusetts expressly provided that good faith was applicable to all contracts. In 1929, the Supreme Judicial Court, in addressing a breach of contract claim under an option agreement for the purchase of stock in an oil-producing leasehold, expressly stated, for the first time, that there was an obligation of good faith and fair dealing in all contracts. The court emphasized that a business contract â€Å"is to be interpreted as a business transaction entered into by practical men to accomplish an honest and straightforward end†. Beginning in 1936, the duty of good faith was defined as a covenant â€Å"that neither party shall do anything which will have the effect of destroying or injuring the right of the other party to receive the fruits of the contract†. This â€Å"fruits†articulation of the duty of good faith remains intact today and is regularly quoted as the operative standard (Weigand, 2013). The next topic is to compare and contrast the differences between intentional and negligent tort actions. There are several types of intentional torts and they are: torts against persons, intentional torts that involve personal property, and intentional torts with regard to economic interest and business relationships. There are also several types of negligent torts. Two of which are: duty to rescue and duty to invitees. Intentional torts against consist of battery, assault, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, and invasion of privacy. The key word in all of these intentional torts is intent or purpose to cause harm to another. Intentional torts against property include trespass of land, nuisance, conversion, and trespass to personal property. Intent and purpose are also why these are considered intentional. The key difference between these two torts is that one is against people and the other is a misuse of another’s property. An individual has to purpose commit these acts. Negligent torts consist of different types of duties. Duty is when a person with a legal duty to another is required to act, reasonably, under the circumstances to avoid harming the other person. Some examples of this are duty to rescue and duty to invitees. Duties are basically an obligation that one person is legally bound to perform for another. In comparing the two types of torts we find that intentional torts are torts that people commit against other people. Negligence also others but it is a failure to perform that causes the injury or unjust action. An example of this comparison is the intentional tort of battery and failure to perform the duty to rescue. When I commit battery I cause harm to another, when I fail to perform the duty to rescue the other individual also suffers harm but it is because I failed to act. In contrast intentional torts are actions committed against another and negligence is when I fail to take action on another. Next I will discuss the tort action of â€Å"interference with contractual relations and participating in a breach of fiduciary duty†. Interference with contractual relations protects the right to enjoy the benefits of legal ly binding agreements. It provides a remedy when the defendant intentionally induces another person to breach a contract with a plaintiff. Interference with contractual relations requires intent to interfere. The existence of a contract is the difference between tortuous interference and the more difficult to prove tortuous interference with prospective contractual relations. The most famous case of tortuous interference was Pennzoil v Texaco which occurred in 1983 (Bagley, 2013). Similarly a defendant who knowingly participates in, or induces a breach of fiduciary duty by another commits the tort of participation in a breach of fiduciary duty. Lastly, I believe that if god grounds exist for the interference, such as exists in the JPMorgan Chase case then I should be able to prevail in the tort action. Lastly, I will cover how banks protect the software that allows for online transactions. Most banks protect the customers who participate in online transactions through what is called the Online Banking Guarantee. This protection covers your banking and personal information. It is the banks responsibility to ensure the customers protection while the customer engages in online transactions. In most if not all case the customer is 100% covered in the case of theft of funds. One of main defenses for software protection is through complex encryption systems. Another deterrent is simply the vast amount of software that is available for online banking. So between the wide array of software and encryption systems online banking transaction are relatively safe. In this paper I have covered several topics and they are as follows: What actions Administrative Agency’s take to be effective in preventing high-risk gambles in securities and banking, the elements of a valid contract and the duty of good faith and fair dealing between banks and consumers, comparing and contrasting intentional and negligent torts, the tort action of â€Å"Interference with contractual relations and participating in a breach of fiduciary duty, and lastly, how banks protect the software that they use for online banking. References Bagley, C. (2013). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition. Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Liberto, J. (2012) CNN Money. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/22/news/economy/jp-morgan-senate/index.htm U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission: http://www.cftc.gov/index.htm U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: http://www.sec.gov/ Weigand, T. (2013) . The Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealng in Commercial Contracts in Massachusetts, Massachusetts Law Review. Retrieved 10Sep13
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Leadership :: School Leaders, Ethical Behaviors, Administration
â€Å"Real leaders concentrate on doing the right thing, not on doing things right.†According to Lashway (1996) this advice is nothing new to school leaders who face ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Although administrators face these dilemmas on a daily basis, very few of them are trained or pedagogically equipped to deal with these conflicts. To prove the amplitude of this problem Reilly (2006) states that ethical breeches exist and â€Å"illegal behaviors happen even in the school yard in the presence of children, the can also serve to distract us from the larger matters to which we must attend†(p. 164). This is not a problem that can merely be swept under the carpet. Instead, administrators must take a look at why they do things, and why they make certain decisions. Kocabas and Karakose (2009) cite several leading experts that describe the self-examination that an administrator must make when they are faced with an ethical dilemma: Ethical issues are part of everyday life in schools. They frequently arise from decisions which require value judgments about doing the right thing, or saying the good or best thing in a particular situation. Although doing the right thing seems easy enough most times when an ethically difficult situation arises, it may cause individuals to examine their ethics in practice (p. 126). The situations that administrators face can cause them to take a close look at why they make certain decisions. Examining one’s own decision can greatly aid the decision making process. Administrators must examine their own ethics and make ethical decisions because schools are inherently dedicated to the well-being of the children who attend (Lashway, 2006). The ethical climate of the school is the responsibility of the administrator in charge. The relationships that develop ethically in the school between students, staff, and administrators are directly related to the behavior and decision-making of the administrator (Sagnak, 2010, p. 1136). This leads to the question: What is ethical behavior for an administrator? According to the American Association of School Administrators (2010), there are some behaviors that are required for an administrator to behave ethically. First an administrator must make the educational well-being of the students the fundamental condition of the decision-making process. Also, the administrator must fulfill their professional duties honestly and always act in a responsible manner. Further, the administrator should allow his positive ethical behavior to carry over to his staff.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Views on Baz Luhrman’s Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet
Capulet my name is anonymous. My topic for the IOP is based on the film ‘Romeo and Juliet by B Luhrmann . I am going to impersonate William Shakespeare with a monologue where I shall speak aloud my views on Baz Luhrman’s adaptation of my text. When I wrote this book I was attracting a crowd with very orthodoxed thnking . the idea of two young lovers going against the society merely for lust was intolerable! hence in my book they died 4 days into their courtship. Death was their punishment for going against the knomes of the society. my book was a one with a serious message put forth to the reader.Where as the movie which was adapted frm my text seems to be moulded inorder to attract an audience with a very openmindset mindset who prefer entertainment over moral values. It had a many humourous scenes ,mercutio dressing up like a girl and dancing at the capulets party,which the modern crowd would enjoy more. The main objective of the this movie was to make money,which was done by mocking at my well known novel of romeo and Juliet.. adapting their movie from my book must have been a huge advantage for them as tthey wouldn’t have needed any script or a new story which has the risk of being disliked by the audience. hey just changed the costumes and situations into modern day ones which will obviously entertain the audience as they picture romeo as a young teenager in the days of old and not wearing a suit and smoking a cigarette on the beach.. the movie has a many differnces compared to the book in order to make the film more entertaining. in my book Juliet was 14 years old but in the movie Juliet doesn’t appear to be 14 at all. the movie makers changed this aspect of the book in their movie in order to make the scenes expressing lust more entertaining for the crowd.But the reason I had Juliet to be so young in the book was to highlight fact that her actions were all justified by the fact that she was immature. The costumes of the actors in the movie were very western and commonly worn by the people of the new times. in my book they were meant to be dress the way the people did during the time of the book being published. instead of wearing the olden day clothes characters like benvolio were wearing hawaian shirts and romeo was dressed in a suit smoking a cigarette on the beach . scenes like this weren’t common to see in days when I wrote the book.Instead of actually swords the charactes threatened each other with shinning pistols with the word â€Å"sword†carved on them. this aspect of the movie killed the seriousness as in the opening scene the capulets pointed a pistol at the montagues and ordered him to raise his â€Å"sword†. How will two people have a dramatic fight holding two pistols against each other? In my book this scene was supposed to be a dramatic fight . The royal prince was replaced by a police official to make the movie more relative to the modern world.The reason my book had a royal prince was to highlight he fact that these two lovers were going against the will of the highest authority. the movie portrayed the same situation but the police official replacing the prince is another example which I saw where barz luhrman has presented a change in the film for it to be resembling a modern life situation. In two offices of the capulets and the montagues were shown in the film as tall skyscrapers where as my book was geographically set in Verona which is supposed to be a small and silent town. During the time when I wrote this book ,writers and producers would only produce works which gave some hints to make the viewers or readers to ponder over certain real life situations. but I guess times have changed and so has the mindset and the taste of the audience. they seem to enjoy mockeries instead of eye openers I feel barz luhrman has not been faithful to my text while depicting it as a mmovie because the movie simply mocks at the text if I had an option to c reate a film depicting my text it would have been very different not changing any scenes for it to be enjoyed by the modern crowd.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Bach (Acorus Calamus) Essay
Bach or Sweet flag is thought to hold originated in Central Asia and likely autochthonal to India. found common in countries that surround the Himalayas. As a consequence of cultivation. it has spread throughout the Earth. found across Europe. in southern Russia. northern Asia Minor. southern Siberia. China. Japan. Burma. Sri Lanka. Australia. every bit good as southern Canada and northern USA. Calamus has long been a symbol of male love. The name is associated with a Grecian myth on Kalamos. boy of the river-god Maeander. In Japan. the works is a symbol of the samurai’s courage because of its crisp sword-like foliages. Teton-Dakota warriors chewed the root to a paste. which they rubbed on their faces. It prevented exhilaration and fright when confronting an enemy. In Penobscot places. the root was cut and hung up. Steamering it throughout the place is thought to bring around illness. hold besides been used as a thatch for roofs. Food and Flavouring: An indispensable oil from the rootstock is used in perfumery and as nutrient flavorer. it has a aroma reminiscent of patchouli oil. An indispensable oil obtained from the foliages is used in perfumery and for doing aromatic acetums. Insect repellant: The indispensable oil is besides an insect repellant and insect powder. It is effe hundred T I ve a tabun I n st house flies. When added to rice being stored in garners it has significantly reduced loss caused by insect harm because the oil in the root has sterilized the male rice weevils. All parts of works can be dried and used to drive insects or to odorize linen closets. Incense: The foliages and the roots have reviewing aroma of cinnamon. They can besides be burnt as incense. Medicine: In Ayurvedic system of medical specialty. the rootstocks of Sweet flag are considered to possess anti-spasmodic. flatus-relieving and anthelminthic belongingss and have been used for a figure of good grounds. Vacha is considered as a ‘sattvic’ herb which provenders and transmutes the sexual ‘kundalini’ energy. It is forms a popular redress for cough and cold and besides the other respiratory upsets like bronchitis. In natural signifier it is used as cough lozenge. Sweet flag provides assistance to the digestive system and Acts of the Apostless against flatulent gripes. indigestion. and purging. Acorus calamus depresses cardinal nervous system and is a good known ingredient in preparation for psycho-somatic upsets like epilepsy. The blues of Sweet flag drive some insects. THE PLANT Sweet flag is a perennial. semi-aquatic and fetid works. found in both temperate and sub temperate zones. It is up to 2m tall. aromatic. ensiform foliages and little. yellow/green flowers with bifurcate rootstock. Plants really seldom flower or set fruit. but when they do. the flowers are 3-8 centimeter long. cylindrical in form. light-green brown and covered in a battalion of rounded spikes. The fruits are little and berry-like. incorporating few seeds. Cultivation It’s a Hardy works found turning from tropical to sub-tropical climes. Plenty of sunlight should be available to the works during its growing and after reaping for drying the rootstocks. This species comes up good in argillaceous loams. flaxen loams and light alluvial dirts of river Bankss. The land should be ploughed twice or thrice prior to the oncoming of rains. Acorus is propagated through rootstocks obtained from earlier planting. The best clip for planting is the 2nd two weeks of June. The river or canal bank where the land is saturated with H2O is really suited for its growing. Timely weeding and hoeing to command the spread of weeds and to obtain good output is indispensable. After each weeding the turning workss are pressed down into the dirt. After 6-8 months. in December. the lower leaves turn xanthous and dry bespeaking their adulthood. The field should be partly dried merely go forthing sufficient wet for deracinating the works. The uprooted rootstock is cleaned after rinsing with H2O and cut into size and hempen roots removed. The cut rootstocks are dried by distributing under the shadiness so that the sum of oil nowadays in it is non harmed. Trade AND COMMERCE Sweet flag has been an point of trade in many civilizations for 1000s of old ages. Sweet flag forms a utile adjunct to other quinine waters and stimulations. Its domestic demand is rather big. As the production is much less in India. the internal market itself is extremely possible. Importers. purchasers within the state. processors. traditional practicians. Ayurvedic and Siddha drug makers throng the markets for procurance of this works every twelvemonth.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
After the Sirens Essay Example
After the Sirens Essay Example After the Sirens Essay After the Sirens Essay As soon as the radio is switched on it is described as screaming and it startles the man. He also recognized the radio announcer’s voice but it this was the first time his voice did not sound upbeat and happy as it usually was during his morning show. The author also describes his voice as â€Å"Cracking with hysteria†(Hood, pg. 161) which clearly sets the mood in the story. The way his voice is described stresses the role that the announcer plays in this story. The radio announcer uses repetition right from the beginning of the story and creates suspense, when he repeats â€Å"This not an exercise†(Hood, pg. 160) three times. He also repeats â€Å"This is an air raid warning†(Hood, pg. 160) twice right after the radio is turned on. He continues with the count down right until ten seconds before the bomb hit. The radio announcer sets this man into action to save himself and his family. The man responds immediately by telling his wife not to ask questions and to dress her self and the baby in many layers of heavy clothing. While she is doing that he gathers up food, water, canned goods and two can openers. The radio announcer also helps the man to decide where they should take cover in the house because he reported the target and the man knew where the blast would be coming from. The radio announcer helped them survive. I was captured immediately by his voice and was taken on a journey of anticipation and suspense.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Handle Medical School Application Rejection
How to Handle Medical School Application Rejection Most applications to medical school get rejected. Its a hard, unhappy fact. When applying to medical school, you need to accept this possibility and make a contingency plan in case your application isnt accepted. The best advice is to apply early. If at all possible, take the April MCAT and get the AMCAS application completed before summer starts or at least before August starts. If you wait until August to take the MCAT for the first time, your application will be delayed until the scores are available. The entering class may have already been selected before your application is completed! An early application may improve your chances of admission. At the very least, an earlier decision will help you plan for the following year. Rejection Letter If you get a rejection letter, follow these steps: Call or visit the Office of Admissions and ask if you can have an Admissions Counselor review your application and give you advice for improving it for the next application cycle. Be courteous and grateful. Follow the advice! Review your own application and make notes of ways to improve it.Take your application to your pre-med advisor or other academic advisor and ask him or her to review the application and suggest a way to improve it.Take some action that will show improvement in next years application. If you get an interview next year, expect to be asked what you did all year to help you on your career path. Work hard so that you can have a great answer to this question! Improving An Application These are common means of improving an application: Get higher MCAT scores. Remember, a school sees your most recent scores, which may not necessarily be your highest scores. If you are pleased with your scores, dont retake the test unless you are confident you can improve them. Get more experience. If you were granted an interview, you probably came away with a sense of how the interviewer perceived your experience. If at all possible, build upon your past experiences. You may seek employment in the medical field.Consider taking more college courses, particularly upper-level courses in the sciences. These additional courses could raise your grade point average and will help reinforce concepts. Look critically at the writing on your application and make it even better on the new application.Think hard about the letters of recommendation used for your application. If you waived your right to review these letters, are you 100% positive the letters were glowing recommendations? Were the letters written by respected sources? You need new letters for the new application, so make sure your letters are great. If you have any doubt about the quality of the letters on the rejected application (an Admissions Counselor might clue you in about this), consider not waiving your right to review the letters for the new application cycle. If you dont get accepted to medical school, you need to re-evaluate your desire to become a physician, as well as your aptitude and skills. A lot of rejected applicants never reapply. Those who take steps to improve their applications and then reapply greatly improve their chances of success. Admission Committees like to see perseverance! Getting a rejection letter is disheartening, yes, but how you handle failure is your choice.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Current Trends in Health Care in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Current Trends in Health Care in USA - Essay Example t of heart diseases it has been reported that 476,009 Americans under 85 died of cancer compared with 450,637 who died of heart disease as per the American Cancer Society’s annual statistical report of 2002. (â€Å"Cancer now top killer of younger Americans†, 2005) Almost one third of the cancer cases traces back to smoking while other are associated with obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise. There have been premature deaths caused by cancer, which arises from radioactive and carcinogenic materials in the surroundings. Unsafe products like hair dyes, food additives, cosmetics and marketed medicines manufactured for quick profits are associated with problems like cancer. The increased consumption of junk food is a major cause. Indiscretion in sexual life and keeping multiple partners are one of the major causes. Considering the variations among gender, Centers For Disease Control And Prevention reports that in 2003, prostate cancer (150 per 100,000) have been highest in men among the other types while breast cancer (119 per 100,000) have occupied the highest rate among the other types in women. Hepatitis B and C cause liver cancer; cervical cancer has been due to human papillomavirus while mainly H. pylori bacteria cause stomach cancer. AIDS related cancer is due to the HIV infection. Most of these cases are preventable through timely prediction, diagnosis and preventive measures through vaccines. (â€Å"Cancer now top killer of younger Americans†, 2005) The other most common types of cancer prevailing among both men and women are Lung and Colorectal cancer. The incidence of cancer is also highest among the blacks or the Afro Americans. Most of these people opt for the western treatment of cancer involving chemotherapy and surgery rather than any traditional methods. The reasons are basically that the process of opting for these drugs and chemicals is faster and easier than the slow progress of traditional methods. Lack of adequate information and knowledge
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